I unplugged mine, sweet silence. That was a weird noise, does not sound anything like a vehicle, Toyota could have done better. I prefer silence
I had my wife drive our '13 rental Prius by me several times in a outside parking lot and I never heard it. I verified she was driving in EV mode too. We did that test as we have had almost nobody even give a look at our rental in 2000+ miles of driving it. There was one and only one time that someone looked at the car and it was when we were in stop & go traffic. A dog was hangin out the window of some chick's vehicle and I let my foot off the brake several times to turn the sound on & off and finally the dog was looking at the car like what the hell is that. Otherwise no human heard us in our 2000+ mile trip. The previous week we drove another rental Prius but only about 1500 miles and again not one single stare as we went thru lots, downtown's, crosswalks or wherever. The sound maker in my opinion is just some hokey US government bullshit. Mike
I think it is called the Prius owner paranoia I haven't taken mine off since I can't get my arm or hands down there to even find the connector. Maybe some day when I am real ambitious and want to pop that front under body panel off Mike
A 2013 Prius comes to my work everyday to deliver parts. I always hear the noise when he pulls into the garage. If you can't hear it, it is probably broken or turned off somehow. The system has a decent volume that can be easily heard when the car is creeping forward. Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
Can you hear it outside of the garage? I did my testing in a open parking lot standing ~25' from my wife driving two different 2013 Prius rentals. I can always hear my car when I pull it into or out of the garage. I am the only driver of my car so I can't listen for it as it drives by in a lot Mike