Getting mine done this Saturday,just going to go with darkest possible while staying legal. 5% on hatch might be a little dark at night,but I probably will do the same.
^If you've never had dark tint then 5% will throw you off for a day or two, but you get used to it. It's useful when you have big trucks blinding you with their headlights, or those cars that have cockeyed headlights that are pointed in the wrong angle. What is your states legal limit on the sides? Want to swap windows, hahaha, j/k.
I live in Florida,not sure of tint% laws.The guy that did my old lady's car will be doing my Prius C. He is hip on the tint laws,so he will let me know what I can get away with.
^Cool. Cops probably gotta be able to see in to make sure you Florida peeps aren't trying to smuggle in those exotic animals and then letting them run free after people figure they can't take care of them. Hahaha.
Fl. tint law is more than 28% for front sides,and more than 15% back sides and hatch.That is what I got,plus the strip over the top of windshield. Guess I'll have to put the Purple Orangutan in Hatch compartment.LOL!!!!!!
^Nice, hahahahaha! When that monkey grows you'll have to upgrade to a larger Prii. Pics or it didn't happen. I just pulled my tint from the front windows and it was a pain in the tail to find an officer to sign off on my ticket; can never find one when you actually need one, lol. Then I headed over to the shop and decided I'm going to go with 3M Cyrstaline; it'll either be 60% or 70% all around, or 60% on the sides adn 50% on the hatch...decisions-decisions. The glass looks like it alrady has a slight tint, so 60% may end up darker than I want to deal with. The guys said they just had to pull 50% off a car earlier in the week, cops must be crackin' down with the holiday season approaching and Avoid the 13, which is our anti DUI campaign in Cali. I have until Tuesday to make up my mind. It's going to be very light, but look clean. Right now I'm rolling with no tint on the front side windows and everything behind the driver seat is dark..ugh, can't stand it. And I can definately feel the heat coming through the windows like no tomorrow. I know, I know, first world problems. I wonder how Ms. Universe would handle it?
That's pretty tough for NorCal, right here in Orange County, SoCal I think it's a little easier or just because I didn't get caught yet. I have limo 5% in the hatch and rear windows, 15% driver and front passenger and 70% windshield, BTW. Those tints reduce a lot of glare all around, those stupid HIDs in a 20 years old vehicle with no projectors head lights or high monster trucks couldn't blind me anymore from either front or back.
^how's your windshield tint with sun glare, big difference, or is it more beneficial for car lights? And any issues with bubbling when you use the heat/defrost? I was thinking of doing that as well, but on the fence ig I will see if Crystaline lives up to the hype in real world application, or just go for it. Feel you on the glare from car lights. Last night was weird with no tint on the front driver/passenger windows so I definately had to re-adjust. Darn 5'2" short guys in their monster trucks, hahahahah.
It's much better I can say. At daylight I can feel the heat burning on my skin is much less than before and of course the glare from either sunlight or car lights are reduced too. The shop told me I can go 50%, darker, but I went with 70% because my car is already very dark all around.
Finished the car up today, decided to go 70% Crystalline minus the windshield which would have been in the ballpark of $300 alone. I also left my small port windows near the side mirrors 20%...reminder of my defiance to the man, ROFL. I'm back to a clean look with the slightest (literally) amount of tint and top UV protection and heat rejection. I guess no more getting it on in the car without being seen, LOL.
looks pretty light. mine is almost the same way. maybe a tad tad darker. I used to run pretty dark tints all around got busted once and didn't want to deal with it ever again. Same thing with the front plate. I used to never run them for years either. All it takes is that moment to ruin all the "fun".
Yep, that one moment is all it takes to crash the party vibe, lol. It was a decision between 60% or 70%, but the ball and chain won because I wouldn't hear the end of it if I went 60%. In fact 90% kept coming up and I was like hell no. Third time ajusting tint on this bad boy and I'm done, will now pass even the most stringent officers out there. Was so weird to see somone out of my hatch view at the stop light and not just a dark image. I'm sure I'll miss the privacy glass for a little bit, but I actually like the way it came out and can stop looking out for cops.
Got a 5% ala ceramic tinting in the rear windows and as much as I wanted to go 50% on the front windows, while many people do it, I decided to stay with the 70% but did put a ceramic tinting which almost looks exactly the same but enough to hopefully block some of that 110+ degree heat we have been experiencing of late, here in our part of California.