I like the Gen III layout and hope the next generation has a similar cockpit driver centric focus. Take a look at this Infiniti Essence looks familiar
Would love to see something like that in the next gen Prius! But I'm really afraid that Toyota will go a pretty generic interior route. We'll see, eventually.
How is Prius 'driver centric' since the gauges are nearly in the middle of the dash??? Funny thing is, if the next Prius had a NORMAL layout like, say, the 2014 Corolla, after a while people might get used to it and stop occasionally bagging on it.
They might as well leave the interior about the same since it's selling so well. Up the MPGs and all will be fine.
I am not the one you directed the question to, am only commenting because I am also interested and have been reading up on these LED strips. If I have committed a faux pas, please forgive this newbie to the forum. I have learned (if you are speaking of the LED strip under the headlamp), because I have been looking at those too - I have seen then in Wal-Mart, auto parts stores and on the internet (ebay). They come in lots of variations, color(s) including multicolor, shape of the diode, side shooting of light or straight forward, chasing and other patterns, length of strip and probably other things I can't think of right now. I have checked my state laws re extra lighting and I am okay here as long as they mounted at a certain height, hit xxx amount of inches above the ground not further out than so many feet in front of the car. I think that's for safety reasons for oncoming drivers. As I said, I like the look too. I'll be reading any comments to help me learn how to put these on. I think they are wired into the fuse box and through the firewall to a switch. I wouldn't mind having them wired so they came on and off with the low beams.
I know when I was looking at my used 2010 Prius, a friend who introduced me to the seller, loved the "cockpit". My first impression was "Star Trek console". I liked it upon first view. I like the convenience of everything being close at hand, but as a woman, I have come to despise the console when it comes to putting my purse, briefcase and other things I have in my hand across to the other seat. As a left-handed woman, lifting the purse and briefcase with my right hand up and across the console to the other seat before I can even sit in the driver's seat is most difficult and clumsy. I also have difficulty reaching across the console to the other side of the passenger seat to reach something about to fall on the floor. At times I have had to pull over, get out and go around to the other door to get what was on the edge of the seat. I am trying various other methods of getting my "stuff" in the car; putting briefcase in back seat, putting my purse on the floor under my feet, going around and putting things directly in the passenger's seat without reaching over, etc. So far, nothing is as convenient as the bucket seats and low console of my wonderful older Camry. Of course, I did not notice this issue until after I had purchased the Prius and driven it for a few weeks. The upsloping console is such a negative factor for me that I have considered selling the car and purchasing a C. I purchased the II model for the extra room in the "trunk" - and I now believe I could accomplish that with a C by leaving the seats down (I am single, no children). However, I probably won't go to that trouble and will just adjust to getting in the car with my stuff in several steps. I do love the looks of the console. I like driving this Prius with the "wrap around console" and the attendant convenience of climate and other controls so close...but getting in it with purse and briefcase "gets" me every M-F, morning and evening. But I do like driving the Prius.
Sassy, using that right arm to lift briefcase and purse will eventually help strengthen that side. Becoming ambidextrous and more bilateral is a good thing!! Of course, I'm not guessing at this, since I'm left handed, too.
I've commuted, usually about an hour each way, with a briefcase for over 30 years with a large number of domestic and import cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. I've never had any vehicle where it was convenient to keep my briefcase in the front seat. It almost always went on the floor of the back seat behind the driver. Exceptions were a few 2-seater cars (Vettes, Del Sol, S2000) where it went on the passenger floor or in the trunk and a couple minivans without large center consoles where I could place the bag between the front seats. Using the back seat for storage has never been a problem because I almost never drive with a coat on. My coat, whether it be suit coat, spring jacket, parka, etc., is always removed and placed on the rear seat.