2010 Prius under engine splash plate. The oil access portion has 3 push-in plastic fasteners. The side ones are smaller and all black. The back one is larger in diameter and is black on the outside with a gray center pin. Can anyone provide a Toyota part number for the larger fastener. The local dealer says they are all the same size.
I picked a few different sizes @ NAPA. Nice thing about those, it there were much better built and designed to be reused.
The smaller one fit a 7mm hole, and the larger one fit a 9mm hole. For permanence, I replaced them with a 5mm rivet nut for the smaller one and a 6mm rivet nut for the larger one. That way, I can use a 5mm and 6mm stainless Philips head screw for each. I no longer fiddle with those weak "easy to come off while driving" plastic push rivets. Make Your Own RivNut Tool | Carolina Rover Owners Club
I still have the HDD neodymium magnet holding the oil change door fully secure. I'm at 42K. Just one more option. my2cents.
The Toyota part numbers that I have from purchasing in 2011 for the engine undercover, which includes the oil door, are: 90467-07215 - Clip - for the smaller one that is solid black 90467-09227 - Clip - for the larger one with the gray center pin 90119-A0098 - Bolt, with washer - 10mm bolt
I bought 100 7mm clips cheap on ebay and some 9mm clips. I just bust them off if they are hard to open and replace with new ones. Makes it a lot faster and easier.
I can't see plastic zip ties working as a replacement for the push in fasteners. Will not work, for starters, and defeats the purpose of removable fastener. If you remove the fasteners carefully, wash them, sluice the grit out, they will last a long time. I've done 10 oil changes now where I've removed the engine underpanel completely, have yet break one. The parts numbers are posted up the page (post #9, and n the pdf in my post #6), if you do need replacement. Google "paint can opener tool image" to see a flat-bladed tool with right angle tip, handy for lifting the fastener heads. @Danny It's now impossible to post even a small image.
Can you tell me how to remove a broken fastener from its hole? I did my first DIY oil change on my car yesterday, and I see that the dealer (at the 10k or 20k mile o/c) had broken the head off the main fastener of the oil access panel. I tried to pull the fragments out with a pliers but that didn't work. Is there a way to get the remains of the broken fastener out of the hole, or push it in until it disappears, or whatever? [I tried to post this question yesterday but it didn't show up. Apologies if it now shows up twice.]
I've been dealing with these for a few decades now. When the cap breaks the internal jaws and metal bits typically break apart, become easy to extract. If that's not the case and it's hard to grip, yeah: I'd just push it in. If you get into regular DIY changes, rinse out the fasteners whenever they're removed, replace any broken ones with OEM, use the right tools, you'll have no problems. I'll try posting my favourite push-in fastener removal tool pic again: Nope, not happening. @Danny PLEASE fix this. (Win7, lastest IE) (No work on iPhone too )
Okay thanks - I will try just pushing it in. I'll get back to you the next time I get the car up on the ramps, probably about 10000 miles from now. And needless to say, this is why I'd like to do my own oil changes !
The broken pieces are easily pushed through. If you have gotten the impression that I break them all off, I dont. The OEM are no different from the aftermarket. Sometimes they are just difficult to remove or are brittle. I have several tools made specifically for removing these push fasteners, and the fasteners still break. If you dont want to use the same push fastener like the OEM, there are screw fasteners that work great too. Instead of pushing the pin in to expand the fastener, you screw in a plastic screw that expands the fastener and is easily removed and reused. These arent the ones I bought but they are very similar. I havent used them yet because I am using up all the push fasteners first: Car Auto Plastic Fasteners Push Clips 60pcs for 7mm Hole Dia | eBay
For those who have bought compatible/generic fasteners, do you care about the height of the fastener? or that is not so important. Does the hole size only matter? Thanks for your feedback.
I think both the diameter and length matter. Assuming you still have some of the Toyota fasteners: measure them carefully beforehand, try to find fasteners of the same style and dimensions. If they're a good fit they'll be snug, not hard to push in, and the center caps will click positively and easily when you push them down. When removing fasteners that have been in for a while, rinse them in hot/soapy water, to get trapped grit out. That's what can jam the mechanism, cause them to break.