With the regenerative braking system, on the power meter, at what point are the brake pads likely to be engaging as compared to using the motor? I wonder because when I'm coming to a stop or coasting down a steep(er) hill, I like to apply some brake to recapture more energy but not press so hard as to be wearing on the brake pads. I'm not sure at what point the system would be engaging the brake pads for slowing/stopping.
Speedwise, I believe it is 7mph. That's what it feels like to me, someone can probably verify one way or another from specs.
Watch the small white bar on the power display. When it's full friction brakes will start to function. Up to then the pads are "just touching" the disks (in a "ready to brake" position). The GIII will use regenerative brakes down to almost a stop.
The harder you push on the brake pedal the sooner you begin friction braking. Get a scangauge it shows the pressure on the brake pads. Sometimes just a little pressure will engage the brake pads even at high speed. I found if I watch the scangauge when braking I can control how much regen is occurring, generally when I am coming off the highway.
At high speed it takes relatively little pressure to max out the regen braking due to high current being generated (RPM). So the faster you are going the less pressure it takes to engage the friction brakes.
I dont remember, it has been so long since I programed it. There is a thread about programming your scan gauge somewhere on this forum.
From the thread on "Scangauge II work on 2010?" there's a Google doc spreadsheet with all the accumulated Xgauge settings: Google Docs - Online documents, spreadsheets, presentations, surveys, file storage and more There are a couple that reference brake parameters - Brake Pedal Force, Friction Brake Sensor, and some that deal with regeneration: Regen Cooperation, Regen Operating Force, Regen Requested Force
The specs for the Gen 3 state friction brakes applied below 7 mph. I can feel them apply when odometer is passing 7 mph.