This was just posted in the NY Daily News. I know I have read about Prius Spider problems on this site... Prius not included, yet. Forget snakes on a plane, these Toyota have spiders in the engine bay! This isn’t a Halloween gag, though it sure sounds like one. Toyota has issued a voluntary recall for 803,000 vehicles, including the Camry, Camry Hybrid, Avalon, Avalon Hybrid, and Venza. The root cause of the problem is down to spiders, and the eight-legged creepy crawlies sneaking their way under the hood. Continue Reading... Click link below. Forget snakes on a plane, these Toyota have spiders in the engine bay! - NY Daily News
I've heard of mice chewing wires, but this is new. More proof that insects really do control the planet.
kind of vague, but they must have seen an awful lot of problems. i wonder if the spiders are imported or domestic?
Three cars airbags deployed while they were driving causing the accident and injuries I had read somewhere... when they started looking at the cars, they found lots of spider webs.
i wonder if it's certain parts of the country? we get that warning with a gas grille, but have never heard of an issue.
I try to respect nature. But I honestly hate spiders. Nothing with as many legs as they have should be able to move as quick as they can. And their feeding habits are frightening and vampire like. Not to mention "Spider Webs" which basically are an amazing but unearthly like substance. I'm pretty sure Spiders were brought here from some other planet or dimension. I'll trade up if Toyota makes a Prius that actively seeks out and destroys invading spiders. By the way...despite my hatred of Spiders, I generally let them live in peace. However, if they routinely come too close to me, and/or crawl above my bed? Then they must die. It's the best compromise I can make with them.
I'm always chasing the things out of the rearview mirrors. When I was washing the car the other day, one of them crawled out on to the top of the mirror and spread out his front legs like he was challenging me. Well, the hose won.
well guy was replacing the pump in my well today. he said when he took the well cap off, there was a black spider in it. so he shot it wth his torch and the thing glowed around the edges and legs, but would not burn. he had to crush it with the end of a screwdriver!