i read some one hoked up their back up camera to turn on with the turn signal i have a couple of concerns i understand the monitor displays the camera input when it receives the reverse signal concern #1 : when you wire the turn signal to the reverse signal, wont this display flash i mean will it be steady or will it go on and off with the flashing of the turn signsl #2 : when i give a turn signal wont the current flow back and also turn on the reverse beep and lights, and when i reverse wont it also turn on the turn signals , when i turn on one turn signal wont it back flow and illuminate the other one at the same time if some one has accomplished this with none of the mentioned flaws i would be grateful for some info on how they did it ( im a diy guy so ill inderstand ) if not, can someone tell me which wire is the reverse signal at the back of the non-jbl pip radio thanks in advance
If I read this correct, you read another member hooked up the backup camera to Turn-Signal wiring to turn it On??? That doesn't make any sense, might burn out audio system or more.
I have a back up camera from factory hooked up, I was asking to display like a reverse signal iPhone ? - now Free
So normally the display displays the backup camera when the car is put In to reverse right, I want it to display when I turn on the turn signal
Instead of tapping in to the actual turn signal I was I thinking of taping in to the signal that goes to the relay because that is solid
I'm revisiting this mod to install into my new Sienna. To answer a few questions, No, the turn signal is converted to constant signal so there's no flashing of the reverse camera image on the display. The mod ONLY trigger the reverse wire going into the radio and no other circuit. Only the radio receives the reverse signal. It will not trigger reverse lights, beeps, and warnings. Gear selection display on dash will still show the true gear. Check out this thread How about blind spot monitor | PriusChat The reverse wire on 12+ Prius is Pink wire on pin#2 of 28pin plug. The reverse camera image will not blink. The turn signal is converted to constant signal mimicking the reverse signal. I have not try that yet as it is unproven method. Years ago I tried this mod on another car and the signal coming from the turn signal stock is also pulse.
The signal Has to be solid somewhere maybe going to the relay, I'll ask one of my technicains and thanks for the detailed reply. The only reason I have not done this yet is because the conversion to sold has seemed like its too much work, or i'm just being lazy