Not worth the effort, he'll only start talking about Sunday School again. Easier to just avoid this thread.
Average speed is an 'issue' but not a problem. We need the average speed for the chart to share with folks the correlation between speed vs. cold-starts. It is easy in the 1.8L Prius because we get all three. So this is my recommendation: If the average mph is reported, use it, as reported on an integer boundary If the average mph is missing, use the best estimate of that speed plus "0.5" mph Now another alternative is to assign a fixed speed for "missing", one that is either the upper or lower limit of the chart: "10 mph" - which essentially says we have no idea what speed "100 mph" - which says the same thing and is even more impossible I am not 'hard on' either approach but used the "0.5" tag to identify the non-reported, mph entries. Now one other option is to just drop "mph" from the chart. I think that is a mistake as it gives no clue to relationship between "cold-start" and "speed." It is a Hobson's choice and since we don't own a 'Prius c' this might be the right time to put up a poll: Should a 'tagged' mph be used from an estimate if one is not provided? Should a 'limit' mph, either 10 or 100 mph, be used if one is not provided? Should we drop mph? It should be a poll with the usernames identified because we could always do with more 'editors'. <grins> Raise a stink and we'll let you sit in the 'hot seat.' Bob Wilson
Personally, I think it should be a requirement in order to be an eligible submission. That'd clear all the confusion up in one fell swoop. If this ends up NOT being the case, I think the next best option would be what we've been doing, that is, a close estimate if one isn't provided. Just my $0.02.
I think it showed up there because I took a screenshot and uploaded it so you could see it. Glad to see you got it working. Strange how Chrome doesn't display it, you'd think since both have Google's name on it that they'd work together well.
Is there a record for highest MPG with lowest EV%? I do mostly highway driving. I also spent over two hours on this tank just sitting in the car with the AC on. It probably cost me 2 MPG. I think it also affected my driving time and my average speed.
I've updated the log, good job on your mileage. I filled up today myself. Took a couple pics. Not submitting for the chart, but I thought I'd share with you guys. And for a bonus, here's a pic of a Prius C I saw locally. I'd like to meet whoever owns it. Yes, it has 8" eyelashes and a big set of lips on the front! I wonder how those affect the mileage! Ha!
Too cool! I'm going to see if she responds. I just knew posting it on here I would find out more details! Too funny. Thanks for the link. So I took my Prius C on a highway drive earlier this week. Cruising on the highway at 60MPH with cruise control on I was able to get just above 60MPG indicated on the computer screen. Loving this car.
Nice... I got 66 mpg going 53 mph (plus/minus some on the hills) for a road trip today. Normally I get 62 mpg or less, and even much lower when going against the wind. It's great this time of the year to hypermile because it's getting cloudier and cooler, so no more air conditioning.
Finally I took photos after breaking yet another personal record, this time 510.3 miles this morning, up from 506 miles the last time without photo proof of one screen that I forgot to take photo of and this time I did take photo! My one way commute is 30 miles, of which 3.5 miles are local streets and the rest on I-80. I always left cruise control at 55MPH at all times on I-80. Surprisingly almost no one got mad behind me and cut me off or any middle fingers! LOL! 5 times on return commute, I decided to take about 15 miles of local roads. All tires 41 psi, Goodyear Assurance P175/65 R15 Morning commute: NEVER A/C PM commute: 75% A/C with decreasing usage because of cooler weather. Oh yeah, I thought I wouldn't make 500 miles due to the fact it was gusty winds for 3 days last week! PIP blinks when it was 479 miles so I had 32 miles before I filled up (I know I know...risky but that's my personal risk and I've plotted local roads with nearby gas stations just in case ) This morning, I was about to arrive work with 504 miles but decided to drive slow on local roads in the neighborhood (it was close to 6AM almost no cars out there!) Thus giving me extra EV usage to allow me reach 510.3 miles. Filled up first click at 9.2 gallons leaving me about a quarter gallon . From now on, I'll stick with 60 MPH commute with a minimum 450 miles per tank to avoid running out of gas especially it's getting colder now. Without further ados, here's the photos:
Good job Mikey. Unless someone beats me to it I won't be able to update the chart until I get to a PC. Congrats on your mileage. Give me until tomorrow afternoonish to get it updated. If not by then, post up a reminder for me
Well mine is 5%, but I just got my record done and over with since my trips are either 1 mile or 100+ miles, rarely in between. *shrug*
I am so glad I finally got to 500 miles, the mpg on computer is 72.7 at 20 mph avereage. intown driving with traffic and stoplights ect. tires are stock steel wheels and hubcaps at 50 psi, I have the grill blocked with pipe insulation outside temp of 48 deg. I guess high about 70 and low about 35. the main thing I changed is the length of my trips. often I do lots of short 3-5 mile trips with cool down time and the car mpg is lower so I drove for longer times and mpg just goes up and up. the longest single trip I had was 40 miles most 10-20 miles I used pulse and gilde if there was no trafic. and would drive in elec. as much as I could. as long as no trafic behind me. my calc. and gas pump gives mpg of 71.15 I have been driving to get the best mpg, now I am going to drive this car like I am a teenager driving their parents car take it out of eco and see what I get. On my trip home from the gas station I ended up with a police motorcycle behind me. I may need to hold back just a little. not squeal the tires and slide around corners and to a stop.
You still had 95 miles minimum left on this tank of gas at the time of the picture, lol, should have gone for 600. Let me guess... you put in a little over 7 gallons.