My stats (Aug 22 to date) are attached. Note: distance in km, gasoline in liters. This calculates to ( see post ): 96.8 MPGe (41.2 km/l-eq); 1217 miles (1958 km); 144.9 EV MPGe (61.7 km/l-eq)
Well darn! Guess I need to work harder on my driving efficiency. Since the kid is finally away at college I suspect I can pull off a decent 1K run. Watch Out Top 20 I plan on making a return appearance! Now I just need 3 weeks+ to break 1K miles lol.
consider it a downpayment - 1/3 to go...
115 MPGe for the 2013 Leaf is EPA rating and as far as I know they measure kWh from the wall. Never the less your result with 72% EV is impressive.'s no Retired9999 though. I'm hoping next spring I can do a near 100% EV run, although I don't think #1 is attainable by me since a lot of the roads I regularly travel are 45 mph with lots of stop lights.
EVs, EREVs and PHEVs that have active cooling systems will incur even larger wall to battery losses than the PIP. Particularly if they are running on 110v and ambient temps are over 90F. I know that during the summer the cooling system in my Volt is running like crazy when charging in my 110F+ garage. Now that I am on a TOU rate daytime charging won't be happening anymore though. The PIP is pretty danged efficient!
EPA figure includes charging loss, so yes. But if we single out your EV mile, the efficiency is 173 MPGe. That's crazy but not as crazy as retired4999 185 MPGe.
My updated entry below. Since it is in km and liters I made the calculation for you: 98.8 MPGe (1377 miles, 62% EV, 146 EV MPGe) A bit better but still in same place...
Markabele - please update ? saw some serious slippage lately with weather dipping into the low 40's at night