Good Morning all, I have an odd "film" on the interior of my windshield. I've never experienced anything like this with a vehicle. Kicking on the defrost makes it less obvious, but as soon as the defrost is turned off, it shows right back up. I was able to wipe some of it away using a paper towel. Has anyone ever experienced this? Its not "dirt" or anything of the like.....
I see this more on the Prius than I have on other cars. I do not know if it is just the design of the sloping windshield or what. I have to clean the inside of the windshield more often. The best I have found is a damp microfiber towel to clean it and then go back over it with a dry towel.
Windex, paper towels, and elbow grease seem to be the solution. I don't know the cause, some have speculated that it may be gassing from the interior plastic. It seemed to be worse when the car was new. I haven't been a smoker for decades but if I remember correctly cigarette smoke used to cause something similar but much worse.
I've been using 409 glass & surface cleaner to remove the film. I stopped using Windex when I tried the 409 cleaner.
I really like the Invisable Glass (aerosol) for the inside window surfaces. It works extremely well. On the outside, I use rain-x. SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
Another vote for Stoner Invisible Glass. I use it on all my cars and household windows / mirrors. (With a dog, I do some windows weekly.)
So I'm not the only one with this problem! I use shop towels (microfiber) and Napa Glass Cleaner with Ammonia. I think the problem arises when I have the windows open, but I am not sure why. In addition, I have become careful to turn on the air conditioner when it is raining substantially; the insides of the windows seem to mist up very readily.
Advance Auto just put Stoner Invisible Glass on sale so I stopped yesterday and picked up a couple of cans. I will give it a try this weekend.