Been doing some search on the net and i decided that this may be the charger I will buy But first WHO has this one and whats the review on it .. Brochure states that it will charge the PIP in one hour..And thats what i was looking for and the price seems good at $765.00 plus shipping of $25.00
I know the charger itself is onboard the car ..But it seems everyone wants to call these power supplies chargers so I went with the flow ...So as not to confuse people. and when it arrives we'll see if it's one hour or one and a half.. If 1 1/2 i'll complain to leviton that there brochure is wrong.. BTW the ebay one had an Best Offer and I got it for $745
Great price on the 30A Leviton EVB45-3PT. About the same price I paid for my Leviton 16A Level 2 charger eight months ago. Only down side, you will need a 30A dedicated circuit. Others are right, 1.5 hours to charge the PIP on Level 2, regardless which size Level 2 charger you purchase or use.
To really clarify your expression, the "equipment" is called EVSE, electric vehicle support equipment.
It really does take 1.5 hours from empty to full. That said, you can charge to almost 90% in an hour. That last 10% is what really kills the charge time.
Estimated Electric Vehicle Charge Times > Evr-Green<sup>®</sup> > Brands > Solutions from Leviton Web Site