I am interested in one with the following features: a. One I can plug into one of the 12V cigarette adapter sockets and forget, meaning it will not result in an overcharge when the car is on nor get drained when the car is off. b. Preferably has reverse-polarity-protection built-in, meaning it won't supply the charge if I connect the pack wrongly to the jump terminals. c. Preferably has a cigarette adapter outlet. If you can note what features listed above yours has that would be great as well. Thanks.
When the Gen3 Prius is turned off, will powering into a lighter/power outlet send energy to the rest of the vehicle? Or is the circuit cut off when the car is turned off?
Turning off the car results in the cigarette adapters being turned off as well. They are only supplied when the car is in the "on" or "Ready" mode.
In re-reading your post, I think the circuit is cut-off, otherwise we would have seen some voltage still supplied when the car is off, which isn't the case.
I figured that is the case. So any jump or battery charger that uses the lighter/power out let as a jump start or memory saver input circuit will not work.
I am primarily looking for a jumpstart unit that I can plug into the cigarette outlet for automatic charging, so I don't have to take it out of the car and charge it at a wall outlet periodically. This means it's OK for the cigarette outlet to be hot only when the car is in on.
I like the capacitor/battery hybrid featured in this video: Do you think the standard battery could be permanently replaced by something like this? Any idea how efficient it is to charge a capacitor compared to a lead acid battery?
I have watched the video and it isn't obvious to me the advantages this has over the regular 12V batteries, unless I missed it. I would appreciate someone explaining. Thanks.
Lead acid batteries (car batteries) do not hold up well when discharged more than just a fraction of the full capacity, and generally have to be replaced about every 5 years. LiFePo4 batteries tolerate a much greater level of discharge and weight significantly less. There is potential for them to last longer than a lead acid battery. It may be more efficient to charge a LiFePo4 battery than lead acid, which would result in a very small boost to fuel efficiency, although I haven't found any sources that can quantify this.