Source: Cadillac “Ultimately” Planning to Tackle Tesla | If they'd said, 'Corvette', I'd think they were serious. Oh, maybe they see the Tesla as a luxury car? Well GM has certainly decided to compete in the EV and hybrid markets. I'll be content to watch the monthly sales figures. Bob Wilson
Once again GM executives poison the well before releasing their own product. Isn't there some way of silencing your worst enemy? Gag your executives before bankruptcy again!
So, GM will challenge Tesla and Elon Musk? well, we may see the Model E much sooner then! Will not be able to compete with a Tesla and its network of FREE superchargers.
Fact or fiction? Regardless, competition or threat is good for consumers. The Telsa S is a mere dream for most EV fans. Who doesn't want more advanced, less expensive EV alternatives? I'm already doing full EV mode work commutes, on a budget. The Cadillac ELR prototype is a beautiful car. I'd like to see it (and others) work out, as a reliable, viable, more affordable, alternative between the low end and the Telsa S.
Bob, have you looked at the current Cadillac models? They are VERY performance oriented nowadays. The Cadillac CTS-V does 0-60mph in 4.0 seconds. 2013 CTS-V Luxury Coupe |Cadillac and the CTS-V Sport (slower than the CTS-V but you get the idea.
Grampa likes his CTS-V a lot, he is very excited about it! Granma, not so much. Ackerson (idiot), has tasked Cadillac to take on Tesla. Ackerson still to this very day is NOT convinced BEV market will grow. Where have we heard this before with GM? Tesla will eat Cadillac for lunch. DBCassidy Lets' also not forget GM has been "retiring" and firing American automotive engineers for decades too. The entry into the EREV and BEV may currently be enticing the best and the brightest. The Volt maybe a starter with a following of Caddy, but one must be cautious especially with GMs' history track record concerning the above (IE: EV1). Also, when the CEO (Ackerman) still has reservations about BEV technology - that does NOT bode well from a leadership stand point. The CEO must have a vision, embrace and fully believe in this technology, provide 100% support, and foster a healthy environment. When the CEO, has doubts, moral and belief in corporate leadership goes down the toilet real quick. Elon Musk has a vision, drive, provides 100% support and a nurturing environment for the product he produces. That the difference between GM and Tesla management styles. DBCassidy Granpa loves it after seeing the above vid. DBCassidy
Pretty map. How many of those charging stations are in place? Reply: Excluding the coastal states there are five (5) in the 43 remaining states.
Pretty pictures of the ELR. How many of these are on the road? Reply: 0.......and the 200-mile EV is worse. It's just words now, no pics even The Supercharger network will be built in full before GM's first long-range EV hits the road. And, as pointed out, they are FREE. GM's EVs will likely use SAE combo, which <won't> be free. How many SAE combos are there in the U.S.? Less than the Tesla stations, that's for sure.
Right, this is what the supercharger map will look like by 2015, when the slider is moved from left to right. Supercharger | Tesla Motors
It's a fair point. Tesla says each supercharger stations costs them ~$300k. Tesla Supercharger network goes nationwide, gets quicker [w/video] Tesla opened its first Superchargers last October. At the time, the company said each station cost around $250,000 to install. Today, Musk said the stations cost $150,000 without solar and $300,000 if they have solar panels. They plan on building 200 or so. Worst case scenario is $60 million They will probably get to 200k cars within 5 years (when fed credit is reduced). So, this is only $300 per vehicle, or less than 1% of MSRP. Of course, they will keep adding chargers to each station once the Tesla EV fleet becomes larger. I assume they have pretty good metadata w./ regard to where the Model S's are, how often they charge, how far they drive, the station throughput, etc.
Why exclude where the greatest concentration is? How are Prius sales doing, excluding coastal states? Either one seems a silly question.
Only one Prius per 1440 residents last I knew and we have some coastline! (I suspect it is higher now)
Alabama is a coastal state! Georgia is a coastal state too. There's a lot of them. Like....most of them if you count the states bordering on the Great Lakes. Geography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GM has been recruiting and supporting American automotive engineers for a few decades. Their entry into the EREV and BEV markets have renewed their ability to recruit the best and the brightest, and foster a healthy competition with their engineering colleagues at Tesla. I expect to see both companies to turn out some awesome vehicles as a result. The Volt has been an excellent example and taking the technology into the Cadillac line seems reasonable.
Ever Wonder Where All of the Tesla Model S Sedans Are in the US? Here’s a Look at Where Tesla Model S Sedans Are Being Ordered in Europe
Link title is not exactly accurate. This is not "all" Model S orders but only those self reported. However, I have no reason to suspect it is not representative of the geographical concentrations.