Excellent point! But.....there's a difference between trash talking with your buds and maintaining some kinda goofy Scrappy-Do attitude about your wheels. Referring to a vehicle as a rolling male appendage is usually something that's also done by low octane kinda folks....just sayin.
My thought about the person that made the comment is... "Better to be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt"
We just bought one this same color. Because my deal with the price savings depended on getting one that was in stock and the only other one available on the lot was silver, we chose this one, after the dealer reminded me that the most popular car color was silver. Now, I like being able to find my car in a parking lot without honking the horn with the remote, and I like blue much more than silver, so it was a easy choice for us in the end.
I have the same color...... Tell them to get it over it.... It's different and not like the every day norm... black...
I'm just laughing my nice person off. Color is irrelevant, stupidity usually is a little more permanent. Slap a sticker on the back, "My other ride is your dad" and you're golden. If you're a rolling vagina then that pretty much means you're probably getting more then they are in the first place. I myself bat for the same team and would have gladly given them a colorful "have a nice day" commentary back. I rarely get offended by homo jokes (as most don't realize I am one), but be prepared to take what you dish is my stance.
Personally I love the color and I'm a guy, I could care less what others think. Enjoy your Summer Rain and be safe out there!!
I have to say, while not quite summer rain, Seal & Croft Summer Breeze would sum up the mellow unique quality of this color. Ugh, I'm a product of the 70's so for those that are totally clueless here is a Youtube clip of the song.
I didn't know v@ginas were blue?! People make fun of my Prius all the time - getting 40+mpg makes it a whole lot easier to deal with the teasing. I my Prius!
I was in college '70 to '75 (took an extra year - don't ask) - seemed like this song was like everywhere man. I'm probably gonna have it stuck in my head for a week or two now.