Really would like to know what Priuschat viewers think should be illegal while driving a car. Please check any and all tasks you think should be made ILLEGAL while driving:
smoking drinking sex unrestrained pets talking with passengers attending to children changing stations on the radio day dreaming sleeping at intersections, or in the fast lane singing listening to talk radio, or NPR.
I voted talking and texting on a hand-held. I see this more than anything else. As a matter of fact, there was a crash right down the street about a week ago where a girl on her hand-held pulled out of a side street, in front of a guy and got nailed. Luckily, no one was hurt, but witnesses said she had the phone up to her ear when she pulled out and a ticket was issued to her.
Wow. I had thought about some of those other things, but kept it to things I have actually seen on the road. Interesting that some folks would be even stricter than I am.