That's what the guy told my neighbor. Sign the contract, we install the panels and change the electric meter. I asked, but the neighbor threw the brochure away. Has anyone heard of this or gotten this installation?
Sounds like one of those leasing things... I bet the neighbor either didn't tell you specifics or doesn't know them him/her self.
I have heard of it, though there are no solar incentives in MO so there's nothing like that available here. Here is an article about the pros and cons of such a deal. They get the state/federal incentives and you get a lower monthly bill overall. Home Solar Leasing - Pro Con of Solar Panel Lease - The Daily Green
He said the guy wouldn't tell him much. "Sign here and get your free soler power." He told the guy he wasn't interested and sent him on his way. From what I could get out of him, it sounds like this place. Free Solar New Jersey | NJ Solar PPAs | Free Solar Panels
When I put my system in I interviewed 10 contractors.... any contractor that would not answer me honestly and directly, was not asked back. After weeding out the "NoWays" I was down to 2. I had both of them come back, re interviewed them, and made a decision. This scam where you get "Free" solar is crap. They make out far better than you do. I still maintain that outright ownership is the only way you will get the full benefits of Solar, and the rebate programs. Leasers that don't answer your questions fully upfront are to be avoided!
there's a lot of it around here. it's not a scam, but they are getting a good deal too. i suppose they get a better equipment price for volume, so it maybe just as good a deal for the homeowner as buying. you'd have to weigh it all out. but you can definitely get a system for 'free' by allowing them to use your roof and giving you lower electric rates than your currently paying. you do want to read all the fine print though and make sure your rate will always be lower than the current power company rates for the life of the program. another concern would be any structural or roof repairs you might have to do with the panels in the way.
Can you share your numbers. How many square feet is your home? What as your average monthly electric bill before solar? After solar What was the total price of the equipment and install. If a loan the terms example 8 years at 3% etc
I'm vaguely under the impression that Solar City's business model is that they install solar panels on your home and charge you for the electricity, typically at a lower rate than your utility charges. Not sure if you eventually own the system. Whatever they're doing, Solar City is on the level. Elon Musk is the CEO. Full disclosure: I own a handful of shares. (SCTY)
2100 sqft 2700 if you count the room the pool is in! 350 +- 100 depending on winter summer/2 mo. March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October $0.00 November, December, January, February, less than $100 per month! After rebates, free electrical work replacing 200 Amp panel and rewire, 28K for a 7.5 kW system! I did the install! $0
2004, primary cost 75k, 50% back 30 days after power up from the State, 15% Fed rebate from taxes. Deal included installation, but I did all the install work, ALL roof penetrations, and framing for the panels, 60 of the them and 3 inverters. Since I did all the work on the install, the electrician that came with the deal redid the major panel in a day. For free, they were going to add that work and parts extra, ... that's why I had 2 guys come back for a re-interview. the free 200 Amp panel upgrade, all parts and necessary wiring included, free! That was the deal for me. After taxes, rebates, at 2004 prices $28k! I am currently considering upgrading to a Clear Edge Fuel System. Roughly same deal as solar, but it provides power, hot water, and heat 24/7, all from inexpensive natural gas!