I usually just do a walk around my vehicle prior to driving it, I noticed a missing lug on one wheel So I brefily park my car at a friends house, and help him with some tasks, get back later in the evening and notice the said wheel's bolts have all been un-torqued. (Each nut was at around 50 ftlb)... White the other rear had the initial torque broken.... The fronts were fine (at ~85ftlb)... So I began tightening them only to snap 2 ARP studs on one wheel... A friend of mine who does a lot of road racing concurred someone may have tried breaking off the torque to possibly remove them without a lot of racket later on...
I've deduced it possibly happened at school..I don't park the car outside anywhere else.... that's accessible easily...
Whoever this was I'm guessing they still want the wheels and may try to take them again. Maybe order 5 different types of wheel locks to replace your lug nuts instead? That could slow him down enough to move on. He doesn't seem to be a professional wheel thief by the looks of it.