I'm almost tempted to register starterguard2.com, or typo variations of the starterguard.com name, to compete with starter guard, and just have a picture of a wrench and battery.
I also love the fact that if you search starterguard on google, the 3rd item is the Priuschat topic on what a scam it is.
Perhaps someone can contact the local ABC / NBC / CBS consumer advocacy show(s) and have one of them do one of those tacky expose's on Santa Monica Toyota ... force them to refund the hundreds they milked from each of their customers who were forced to have a dumb device installed that they didn't need, just to buy a car from them.
i am kind of fond of my idea. sue them in small claims court for the damages like the money you spent on it, like the problems that were traced to the starter guard, having to pay to have the device removed, rental car fees etc if enough people sue them then they will stop selling it well except for cigarette companies, of course
Hi guys, I have this unit installed in my new car. I am sorry that my car is not Prius, but I can not find other places to ask. Okay, My car is 08 PT Cruise from Chrysler. The dealer installed this thing on my car. I did not know or might not pay attention at the time I bought car. After few months driving, the battery charging light would be on sometimes. If I stopped the car and re-started it, the light would be off. However, yesterday the battery charging light suddenly was on during the driving, and then my car was completely dead on the road (fortunately, I was not on freeway). After that my car was towed to one of the Chrysler dealers. (THE WORST THING IS: THE DEALER SOLD ME THE CAR WAS CLOSE!!!!!!) The technician examined my car and told me that the battery is no problem but the "damn starter guard unit". I asked him whether he could take it off my car. He said no, but could replace a brand new battery with charging me $230. I did not accept it and drove my car home. On my way back home, the battery charging light was on again, but did not make my car dead again. I dont know what to do with this dame piece of junk. Could I take it off by myself? or just replace a new battery like the technician said above? I turned off this starter guard unit now by myself, but the battery light still was on sometimes. Because I will drive it everyday for around 80 miles. I dont wanna my car dead on freeway someday because of this. Oh by the way, after I bought the car (08/2008), I left it at my friend's backyard for around 3 months without moving. Does that casuse the problem?
Also, I tried to call that number 1-877-849-6680 many times, but no one answered. Only a voice message to ask me to leave my phone and name. But even this, they dont give me a chance to leave my message. Once the voice message ends, a music will start playing, instead of a normal "beep" to leave message. GOD!!!!
What is a starter? As the Prius has no starter the best way I can suggest to avoid such issues is replace the PT with a Prius at your first opportunity.
I bought a used 07 that came with a starter guard installed. It has come I handy many times when my car dies, all you have to do is hit the button and the car comes back on. My 12v is going bad so it happens a lot. It's easier than calling AAA. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.