I have a 2013 Prius Wagon. Have noticed that I can go into the General setting and should be able to change from kilometers to miles. Go through all the steps, selecting miles as the new option, and then nothing happens. There is no screen to save settings, so nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? On the other hand why would those smart apples designing this system just not link to whole process to the button on the dash that changes the speedometer function? Just like it did in my 2005 Malibu!!!
Remember to press save before pressing the back button or the changes will not take like you observed.
Lower right corner of the Settings -> General or Vehicle screen there is a virtual Save button that lights up after you make a change to the settings. Not having a save button would be a problem if you ever wanted to make a settings change.
Yes I know about the button on the dashboard which only changes the speedometer from miles to kilometers or visa versa. What I want to do is change the odometer and trip meters to read in miles or kilometer at the same time you have selected whatever mode on the dash. Good grief wouldn't it have been simple for those Toyota engineers just enable all functions to move to miles or kilometers by the simple push of that blasted button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes I have the vehicle in park when trying the setup, but alas there is no save button at the bottom right corner of the screen to push.