BestBuy is $230 4S 64 Gig At&T Best Buy Trade-In or MD257, MD258, MD269, MD280, MD381&manufacturer=Apple My guess is India does not pay more for the extra memory.
Mass I only get the 16 GB unit. However any pictures and Videos I export from my iPhone to my Windows PC. Then I delete it from my phone. This migration keeps my iPhone memory low thus I buy the low capacity phones.
Yes, but that is a different situation. If anything, it tells you that the 5S might have birthing problems until software is updated. I was talking about the question of how the 4S or 5 will perform as software written for the 64 bit 5S comes out. I reasonably confident the answer is: fine, so long as the M7 chip is not utilized. Apple will have to segregate 5S only software.
Software developers get beta copies of software thus they release updates to software via iTunes when the OS releases and updates in your phone. Many work in concert long before you and I see the OS
Quite true, although the first version is sometimes nothing more than a recompile and hope for the best. It takes a while before software is optimized for a new hardware platform. I don't think we will see much of a problem with iOS though since it has so much OS X underpinning it.
I bought my iPad Mini the day they came out. I expected to have to wait in line so I arrived an hour early. The store was already open because they open early on new-release days. There was no line. The usual number of people were in the store, and only a few were there to see the Mini. I got the model I wanted, no problem. I even got the cover flap in the color I wanted. I had to wait a few minutes for a salesperson, but no longer than other times when I have visited the store. I guess a new tablet generates less interest than a new phone.
I tried to sell my wife on the Best Buy scenario but she has a hunch that Saturday AM we may not have much of await at the Apple store. I'll let you know.
I had no problem getting an iphone 5 the day after launch day last year, without having to wait long in line.
YouTube has helped me become a very modest DIY'r. I have ZERO interest in the other programs although I applaud blogger and forum software, if those can be considered 'social' softwares.
I use LinkedIn for work. Good networking tool. I like Twitter for fun, I keep it clean and professional. Great to get breaking news. I deleted Facebook once I caught up with old friends from HS and College. I use Skype on occasion at work. I use 4Square and Yelp. I view on Youtube.
Here's an article touting the new camera aspects (other than the led flash): How to Know If the iPhone 5s Camera Upgrade is Right For You - The Mac Observer
This article from Appleinsider talks about the new 64 bit CPU. Skip the cheerleading fluff; the technical analysis is about as good as laypeople like us are going to get (and understand.)
There is something good to be said for Apple being the first to market with 64 bit technology in the Smartphone market. Much of that is due to the IOS upgrade which makes new apps running on 64 Bit platform a reality. One can see that the Android OS may be the bottleneck in the chip upgrade to 64 Bit Consumers will start to see the benefits when apps get realeased
Just got an email from Toyota saying Entune update may not be available when ios7 update is available on the 18 Here we go
If Toyota is relying on MS, you already know what to expect. Personally, if I could avoid iOS 7 until 7.2, I would.