I suggest 4 hours. The alternative is taking a chance of disappointing your wife Kidding aside, doesn't she have to be there to choose the color ?
The rumor mill is suggesting the lack of pre-order option indicates constrained supplies for the 5S. On the other hand, is there really likely to be a strong demand for a refresh model? I'm thinking of upgrading just for the convenience of the fingerprint login, even though I'm not eligible for free upgrade.
Don't be fooled by the model naming, the internals of the 5s are markedly different and improved over the 5/c: 64 bit A7 cpu -- 200% faster M7 cpu Improved camera Improved GPU -- 100% faster Touch ID If your software use strains the performance of the iPhone 5 this phone will wow you. And if past history is any measure, the M7 cpu will give rise to new and interesting software the iPhone 5 will not run.
CPU & GPU - First impressions don't indicate that great a real world difference, but we'll see. M7 - not worried about fitness apps, but if it gets used to auto-remember your parking space or or other nav functions, it might be useful eventually. Camera - sounds great but not worth a paid upgrade to me. Touch ID - I have to password protect my phone because of work. Fumbling with typing my semi strong password is often a pain, so this would definitely be useful.
For the time being I will stick with my 4 as I don't see any significant price performance upgrade where my personal phone usage is concerned at the moment but that may change eh
We will go together. She is undecided on color until she sees the phone. So Friday after work we will stop at the store before dinner and check out the color. I just don't want the gold. I'm thinking out load that waiting on line for 3-4 hours is not my idea of fun on a Saturday, 1 hour I'm OK anything more than that will be annoying. Perhaps just go to Best Buy Friday evening and order the phone and they will call me when it gets in may be the better of 2 evils. My wife wants Apple Care because she drops her phone all the time and it has broken in the past. Apple has a section on the web site that is not available for the 5S now but possible available on the 20th where you order online and pay for it, and have it sent to the Apple store of your choice and they email you when it arrives and you show ID and pick it up. However that is complicated when you have a trade in 4S. Than again I can go to ecoatm.com and just get cash immediately for my used phone. I have all week to think about this. I'm leaning toward Best Buy since the trade in value is now $220. They seem to be the easiest to work with if I have patience. You place an order with a $50 deposit, when it comes in they email and call you. You have 3 days to claim the phone. They take the old phone on trade and offset the price of the new.
If you use your phone for the Navigation turn by turn the M7 is a great improvement. You will get your turn by turn instructions on time. The processor is dedicated to Navigation and the Gyro The new OS7 is written for the 64Bit processor and the new 5S A7 Processor is a 64 Bit processor. In time as apps are written for 64 Bit and not 32 Bit the older phones will not be optimized for the crop of new apps. The bottleneck in the development world is not coding but processors able to manage the requests quickly. Now with 64 Bit processors that are 3 fold faster you will see some new graphics intense apps hit the market. I'm not a Phone guy, just interested in the discussion
Many do that. If you play the game correctly and trade in your old phone when the new ones release you can get your phone almost for free. That is in the USA where carriers subsidy the phone with 2 year contract commitments. Now sure how it works in the UK.
Perhaps I was not clear -- this is a ymmv, depending on the software you run. Recipe apps or Facebook are already speedy. It will be interesting to see how well iOS 7 runs on the older hardware.
I'm waiting to see how it works on the 4S before I would consider an upgrade. Also with any "trade ins" and discounts, unless its free or nearly free I will probably wait.
Mass I will buy the IPhone 5S 16GB AT&T for $199 plus $50 California Tax. My 4S will yield a $220 trade in value. The new phone will cost me $29. I spend more than that on dinner last night. For me it is a no brainer. The trade in value will decrease over time so waiting will only be worse. Do the due diligence for your market but I'm sure upgrading is in your future
The OS7 will be available for free from iTunes to download this Wednesday 9/18. I can see bottlenecks in refresh of maps and turn by turn instructions. Anything with graphics is already slow. As a flotilla of new apps get released on iTunes store supporting the new 64 Bit PLATFORM the 5, 4S,4,3x phone owners will get left behind as they are stuck using old programs that will not be updated and supported.
I went on best buys website and the trade for mine was 199. I have a 64GB 4S and I would like to get a 64 5S if I was going to upgrade.
I'm sure they already have the next few generations already planned. Planned obsolescence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A little more out of pocket for you. I have no patience with selling stuff on eBay or Craigslist. But if you go that route bids are around $300 on Ebay albeit I haven't checked in awhile and Craigslist if you put it out there for $300 someone will bite or counter offer. If you do Craigslist meet in a public place like a Starbucks in daylight to transact and only accept cash. Bring a friend if you can
Bring the Muscle for example Franky the Frog, Muscle Mike, Craig the Crusher, Ron the Wrecker to defer any potential problem, and public places with cameras helps. I read to may Gangsta books when I was young
When desktops moved from 32 to 64 bit architectures, the software was written to accommodate either platform. I imagine the same will hold true for the iPhone, particularly since Apple is still selling the iPhone 5 and 4S. Software written for the M7 chip is a different story.
My current PC is 64 Bit. My last one was 64 Bit albeit 5 years old but I had to run IE and other apps in 32 Bit Mode for it to work. It was when 64 Bit architecture came out but not many apps to support it. When you run it in 32 bit mode the speed and graphics was absent. As new apps were developed in 64 Bit I took advantage of the increased performance.