Twitter is not for everyone. However they have a huge base of users who simply message to friends etc. The company is about to go IPO. Social Media is a life of it's own.
I don't dispute that smartphones have many uses. Just that none of those uses are useful to me. Living alone, I don't need a shopping list that a wife or kid could edit remotely; the iPod Touch (same size as a smartphone) has too small a screen to be comfortable for taking notes, browsing web sites, or showing off pictures; I exercise for 45 minutes or an hour and mark my paper calendar so I know how many days it's been since I had a rest day; they don't issue coupons for the things I buy; I don't need to check my investment portfolio every five minutes; my main car does not have any gas mileage; I'd never dream of watching a movie on the microscopic screen; I don't use twitter; I don't have a girlfriend or wife to buy flowers for... It just has no use for me, personally. And when I travel, I'm usually places where there is Wi-Fi but no cell service. My iPad Mini is perfect for travel: big enough for web browsing, email, journaling, and showing off pictures, yet small enough and light enough to carry easily. And it plays chess frustratingly well (Shredder app... there are, of course, others) on a big enough screen. Chess on a smartphone-sized screen does not work for me. I cannot "see" the position when the board is that small. At home, I do not need to carry a computer with me. I do like having a phone, though, so a stupid phone is perfect for me. So I have no plans to buy an iPhone any time soon. My iPod Touch is still my preferred device for listening to music and podcasts, as it fits easily in my pocket while cooking or walking. I like gadgets and do not disparage smartphones or the people who use them. But, useless for me.
Well you certainly got it figured out. I'm sure you can get on your iPad and then who knows FTD may be in your future
Most traded in iPhones get cleaned, new IOS installed, refurbished and shipped to under served markets for example India. For most iPhone owners, trading up to the 5C is 'free' - Apple 2.0 -Fortune Tech
I've been on just about every dating site except eHarmony (they reject anyone who admits to being an atheist) for years. I've never gotten so much as a reply out of any of them (except the occasional scam message from Russia) so I don't think FTD is going to be getting my business in this lifetime. From time to time I peruse the ads on backpage-dot-com, but the one time I got up the nerve to actually phone someone, she never returned my message. I probably sound like a complete dork whenever I try to talk to a woman I'm interested in, whether it's face to face or over the phone. Maybe I'll buy a smartphone when they come up with an app that makes me sound like I'm not a dork.
I'm married so what do I know. Backpage is Hookers and Escorts (same thing). So best to leave that alone unless you want a STD or get robbed. Craigslist no better. eHarmony seems to be the best, but again this is from the few single friends that speak about it in conversation. When you get to the religion question I'd say pick the one you were born with. Once you get a date and after a few dates if you get to the what are your values part, you may want to come clean but keep it positive if it's possible. You don't ant to scare em off. I suggest always be fun, light hearted, show confidence, dress up, and be a gentleman. Many of us forget how to act on dates, perhaps reading up on it may help. Best of luck and remember nothing ventured nothing gained. A older worker who retired I ran into him recently. He is a widow in his early 60's. Did some volunteer work at the local Hospital and Arts center just a few hours a week. More social for him. Meet a gal who is a widow. They started hanging out having lunch. Then they went away on a weekend get away. Now he is full on relationship. Sometimes you meet people when you least expect.
IIRC, 6 is just around the corner and even it still won't have the features of the Samsung galaxy S4/Note lineup. Maybe best to wait for the 7? ...
This movie is a thriller about Russian Mail Order brides. Birthday Girl (2001) - IMDb Birthday Girl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Escorts are people. Like all people, some are crooks and some are not. Saying that they'll all rob you is like saying that all Black people will rob you. As for diseases, these are probably more prevalent among non professionals than among sex workers, who are far more likely to be taking precautions. Anyway, I'm too shy. In other words, I should lie, and hope that once the woman finds out the truth she will not regard me as a dirty lying scumbag. As for what religion I was born with: both my parents were atheists; only one of my grandparents lived long enough for me to know him, and he was an atheist. Of course, nobody is born with any religion. Most parents shove their own irrational beliefs and superstitions onto their innocent and credulous kids, a practice I regard as child abuse, similar to subjecting them to second-hand smoke or injecting them with drugs. I am afraid I could not convincingly pretend to adhere to any religion, except perhaps Pastafarianism. It's hard to not accept a religion that promises a beer volcano in heaven. Maybe I should try telling them I'm a Pantheist, and hope they don't know what that means. (It's an atheist with a reverence for nature.) I love Nicole Kidman. That was a great movie! Of course, the more likely outcome of sending away for a Russian bride is that you send her lots of money and she never comes, because "she" is actually a consortium of Russian gangsters. If I was going to order a mail-order bride (I am not going to!) I'd be more like to consider Thailand than Russia. Then, when we went to visit her family, I'd have opportunities for good scuba diving. I've actually considered diving there, but the 25-hour trip, including 12 hours in one plane, is too much for me.
Ok sounds like you choose the escort. You know an escort you pay them to hang out and at the end of the event they perform an act in exchange for $. Paying for s-x you will not meet the ideal companion. Perhaps a more organic choice for example it's just lunch or volunteering at the Arts Council. I don't suggest you lie but ease into the religion aspect of your life. How ever if you were born absent of religion than best you avoid the subject unless asked than come clean. If it is a drop down choice on perhaps select the prefer not to say or it's complicated selection. Probably at some point in this dating process you will have to disclose everything and religion tends to be a discussion as well as values, finances, past relationships, etc. At that time fully disclose your faith or lack thereof and hope she an live with it. If you are going toward a relationship my only suggestion is you may have to be a little flexible on your future girl friends religion and respectful of her faith. My marriage is an interfaith marriage. Never an issue for us. In the Bible Belt it can be.
I'm a firm believer in "there's someone for everyone", people shouldn't try so hard. Maybe if they didn't our divorce rate wouldn't be >50%...
No. I just said that your generalizations are unfounded. I've only ever phoned an escort once. She never returned my call. I am very flexible. I have yet to meet a religious woman who will date an at heist. I suppose they are out there. I've never met one. Baloney. Half the people who give me advice say "Don't try so hard." The other half say "You won't find someone if you're not looking." In my 65 years (or, say, the half century since I became interested in girls) I've done both: I've looked hard, and I've just lived my life without looking. Some of us just don't appeal to anyone. All my female friends think I'd make an excellent husband, but always for somebody else, never for them. This is totally off topic. My fault for mentioning my status. Let's let the thread go back to "Will you buy a new iPhone?" I won't. Cool gadgets that I have no use for. When my flip phone dies or doesn't hold enough of a charge I'll replace it with a similar one. Now, if they put a Retina display on the next iPad Mini I'll look at it, and if my eyes can see enough of a difference I might upgrade.
I am however looking forward to updating to iOS7. A change, however slight, is always welcome after a few years with the same feel.
Visited the Apple store yesterday. One is located about 1 1/2 miles away. My wife wanted to see the colors however no dummy phones on display. A lady ordered a 5c for in store pickup. They will email get when the phone arrives than she can pick it up The store clerk said if I show up an hour before the store opening on the Friday or Saturday the 20 or 21 I will have to wait in line but should get a 5S no problem to take home. I heard that before. I'll give it a shot.