Hi all - totaled my 2009 prius last week. My insurance only provides a rental car for 7 days, so I need to make a whirlwind purchase decision. I am looking to buy a 2010-2012 used Prius, using insurance + cash. Never had any battery issues on my 2009, but see that the warranty on the Gen 3 is 15 years / 150,000 miles for California Emissions states. My question - if I buy a used car that was originally titled and used in New York state (which is California emissions state) as an Ohio resident, then take the car back to Ohio, is my warranty 8/100K or 15/150K? I thought I read somewhere that it was the state of original purchase that determines the warranty.
Nope. From what I understand the car needs to be continually registered in a CARB state to have the extended 15/150 warranty. If the car is moved to a non-CARB state the warranty reverts.
. [Oops, it is 15 years now. Where did I get 10 years?] [P.S., Sept 16 Oops again. This warranty booklet is set up a bit different than my previous Prius'. CA Emission Control Warranty appears to be 180 months for 'Performance' and 'Defect', but still just 120 months for 'Hybrid Battery'. But I don't live in CA, so don't have to fully understand its provisions.]
I don't know that anybody has tried to make a claim under these circumstances, but the documentation that comes with the car says that the longer warranty applies if the vehicle is "...sold, registered and operated in California...". So you can try it if you like, and if you get unlucky and need a battery, maybe you'll also get lucky and have it covered by the warranty. But I wouldn't pay a penny more to get a vehicle that was sold in a CARB state.
For non-CARB state residents, I must agree, it has no extra value. The instant OP registers a CARB-warranty car in Ohio, it becomes a non-CARB warranty.
Hi All - thanks for the information. As I said, it's not a major concern having had a Prius already with no issues, and I had already satisfied myself on the battery reliability question prior to my first purchase. I'm sure i read somewhere recently that the original state purchase determined the warranty, but I don't know where, and it appears it doesn't matter. Only reason it popped into mind is that I'm checking used cars on cars.com and a few popped into my search from western NY. I thought if all other things were equal between a similarly equipped car locally and there, it might be worth a drive to get a better warranty. But appears that's not the case so that's good to know up front. Off to test drive a 2010 Prius III, and 2012 Prius II this morning at a couple nearby dealers. Thanks!
I agree you must be registered in CARB state and the car must be CA-certified. I wish non-CARB states would push for the better warranty
I am confused about CARB HV batt I thought it was 120 months/150k miles (at least that's what it says in PiP 2013 warranty). This thread has it upgraded to 15 yrs but I am thinking still 10yrs in CARB for battery? I do see some that some other warranty elements are 180 months for CARB.