However gov and law enforcement can only cross reference finger prints captured from evidence against databases of the convicted or anyone arrested.
You actually believe that? Do the names Assange or Snowden mean anything to you? Your government is doing what it wants, when it wants, and Apple is running to help them.
In almost all cases the DMV has my fingerprint. The gov had my dental records, tax returns, birth records, credit reports, medical records, education records, sat scores and standards test, plate numbers, passport numbers, every cell site tower I ever pinged, any flights I made , every spouse I had, job I had, my children's records, my parents records etc so that privacy concern you have boat left the Harbor the day we were born.
I never said or infered it. I'm as concerned as the typical American can be but frankly they already know about all of us. However our legal system is innocent until proven guilty, and due process.I'm not concerned about Apples fingerprint system but than again I have no reason to look over my shoulder. However to your point if my finger print or any personal infornation got in the hands of organized crime than I'm very concerned. Now that I would like to understand Apples security methodology. However I can use simple number password and bypass the biometric password system. Encryption is available to consumers and using best practices on computer password, network security, anti virus, monitoring outside ports, and keeping vital information off of devices can eliminate most but not all cyber crimes
Just for the record Snowden is a Traitor and most likely if found on foreign soil by American intelligence will be eliminated. That is how those things are dealt with when an American gives enemies classified information. Snowden is not a hero but a traitor. Assange is not an American but knows Snowden type operatives in our Government. He is of interest by American intelligence. These are the bad guys.
In Verizon world a 4s is a 3g only system. Did you have to upgrade your data plan to accommodate the 5s 4G upgrade in data transfer?
Long time I-Phone owner, but did not up grade to the 5, though it looked and felt cheap. Switched to Nokia 925 Microsoft and love it. Don't miss my I-phone at all.
The iPhone 5S has a aluminum case with Corning gorilla glass. The components are the highest quality in the industry far superior to the plastic enclosures found in most phones today.
I said 5 not 5S! 5 is so light and feeling compared to my 4. If the 5 felt like my 4 I would have bought it. Apple better listen as there are so many good phones on the market now.
Purchased a MacBook Pro laptop July 2012. Had the Apple bug so I upgraded my HTV EVO to the iPhone 5 last year. Nice phone but I have a Samsung security surveillance system at work with a smart phone app. Couldn't get it to work on the iPhone. Just the incentive I needed to purchase a new Samsung Galaxy Note 2. No other complaint with the iPhone 5, other than the screen was too small. Love the Samsung Note. Anyone see the new Samsung products display at Best Buy? Very impressive. Big and getter bigger and better.
Androids including Samsung are prone to viruses and are complex phones to master iPhone does not require anti virus software and us extremely easy to use. iPhone 4 inch screen is not as big as the 5 inch Samsung display. However who needs a bulge in your pocket competing with your Johnson If you carry your phone on your hip in a holster you are a geek. Get a life. Apple is the young persons phone, Android us a geek phone The Apple retina display is in a world of it's own. Apple employees more workers in America than Samsung. Apple is an American corporation. I try and support American corporation especially when they produce high quality products
JMD, many valid points. I'm a technology fan and I can share the love for different products from different manufactuers.
Just a question to ponder. What if Apple reads your finger print even though you don't use it for security. There's really most likely no way to tell. The reader is in the button and the button can't be avoided. Just a thought from an engineer with security interests. Also my wife has an iPhone and I've thought about getting her the new one. I personally use Android on phones, laptops (I've hacked) and this tablet. Nexus 7 ? 4
I'm amazed how many people see a $199 upgrade as the true cost. I have an iPhone 4 on straighttalk. It runs me $500 a year for service (unlimited calls, text, and supposedly unlimited 3G but really 2gb month with no issue). I view the $199 phone as costing a fortune. Also look at Craigslist or eBay for values before giving your old iphone to Verizon or att. The 5 is worth $350 or more and the 4S is $250 or more.