My current iPhone 4S 16MB is 2 years old. The trade in is worth $170 and new phone costs $199. Time to upgrade.
I got my 5 in December of last year so I'll wait for a while. My wife has an older 4s though so she'll be upgrading, she likes the idea of fingerprint technology. I like the gold color on the 5s. Funny because I think cars that color are ugly.
So none of you are worried about your fingerprint data getting into the wrong hands (note clever pun)? SCH-I535
I prefer to give my money to an American company that pays US corporate taxes than a Korean company. Androids are prone to Malware, iPhones are not. Each carrier uses Androids OS differently. Apple OS is strictly controlled by Apple
If "Made in USA" is really important, you should look into a Moto X. American company made in the US. Although both companies avoid taxes by holding money overseas. Google Joins Apple Avoiding Taxes With Stateless Income - Bloomberg I like the gold color too. I'm not sold yet though. I want to see about the next Nexus 4.
Almost certainly no because I'm still under contract for my iPhone 5. If the phone subsidy resets early w/Apple's (or someone else's) trade in program, I might order the 5S. Otherwise, I'm waiting for iPhone 6.
I have a 64GB 4S. Don't see the merits of the 5 because other than a half an inch of screen size iOS 7 will do everything on the 4S that it will do on the 5.
I have the 4S 2 years now. Ready to sell it. The larger screen size that launched in the 5 is a welcome change. The A7 64 bit processor will be a welcome increase in performance. As apps are written for it one an expect screaming processor speed. It also has a separate M7 processor just built to process navigation requests faster and leave the A7 to do system processing.
I don't think so. With iOS 6, there were already a few features that the 4S couldn't do that the 5 could. See iOS 6: Which software features does my iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch support?. I don't know if there's an equivalent official Apple table for iOS 7 yet, but there will be soon. Here's some unofficial info based on older iOS 7 (developer) seeds: What we already know about iOS 7 | Macworld and iOS 7 Leaves Older iPhones And iPads Out Of The Fun | TechCrunch. IMHO, once you go out of contract, you may as well upgrade and restart your 2 year subsidy clock.
I hate typing in my password to unlock the phone. The fingerprint security feature is a welcome feature.
Found this disclaimer at the bottom of the iOS 7 section of apple's website. Techcrunch should have just scrolled down to the bottom of the page Apple - iOS 7 - What’s New "Not all features are available on all devices. Panorama format is available on iPhone 4s or later and iPod touch (5th generation). Square and video formats and swipe to capture are available on iPhone 4 or later, iPad (3rd generation or later), iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation). Filters in Camera are available on iPhone 5 or later and iPod touch (5th generation). Filters in Photos are available on iPhone 4 or later, iPad (3rd generation or later), iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation). AirDrop is available on iPhone 5 or later, iPad (4th generation), iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation) and requires an iCloud account. Siri is available on iPhone 4s or later, iPad with Retina display, iPad mini, and iPod touch (5th generation) and requires Internet access. Siri may not be available in all languages or in all areas, and features may vary by area. Cellular data charges may apply. New female and male voices will be available initially in U.S. English, French, and German. Find My iPhone enables you to locate iOS devices only when they are on and connected to a registered Wi-Fi network or have an active data plan. Some features may not be available for all countries or all areas." Looks like camera filters and airdrop is all ill be missing out on. Fingerprint readers haven't worked a damn on any electronic device I've ever used. If apple is any different ill be pleasantly surprised. Unless there is going to be some earth shattering hardware upgrade I can wait.
Maximizing your trade in value reduces the cost if the phone upgrade. For me trading in a iPhone 4S at Best Buy they give me a $200 gift card. The cost of a brand new 5S 16 GB us $199 plus tax. Basically I get the new phone for sales tax. Now that is worth it.
That's ignoring subsidies but as my friend and I argued, it has to be paid if you stick to the same carrier so it's moot. You can also argue that upgrading every year is good deal. Say you have an iphone 5 with 1 year left on the contract. You can upgrade to the 5S for $200 and pay a $120 early termination fee. ($10 per month of contract remaining) Then sell your old iphone 5 as an off contract phone for $370+. Now you get a new phone every year for about the same or less as every two years. iPhone ? - now Free
I did that for my brother last year. I went ahead and bought his old iPhone 4S. I guess we could repeat it on a second level and I get his iphone 5 and sell my iPhone 4S. I wonder how many layers down this goes. iPhone ? - now Free
Fingerprint Scanner. Great idea. Now the NSA has the last piece of the puzzle. Your finger print. Keep giving up those freedom's to a government that disregards them. Oh don't worry, Apple says it stays on the phone, and no one can access it. I believe that. That's the same company that got caught tracking your movement, even when location services was turned off. FYI. My wife and I have iPhone 5's and the kids have 4S's, so I do enjoy their products, I just don't feel good about the direction they have turned to.