I'm currently in the process of purchasing a new 2012 PIPA from out of the state. A few questions: Do I have to worry about either the 12v battery or Li-Ion traction battery (or any other parts in the engine) being DoA or "bad" since the car has been sitting in the lot (showroom) for about a year? I'm trying to get a list of the parts I should ask the dealer to replace before shipping the vehicle. Does the warranty start when I take possession of the vehicle? Or did it start when the dealer took delivery from the manufacturer? Same question goes for the Entune/XM trial subscription. Since I'm getting this shipped, I won't have a chance to look at it in person, other than in pictures. For those who purchased their Prius/PIPs from out of state and had it shipped, got any tips or recommendations on this whole process? Any specific questions I should be asking the dealer?
Just my experience, buying a 2010 in Nov 2010, that had a build date Aug 2009: the hybrid battery so far has been champion, no problems to date. The 12 volt was pretty much knackered, they replaced it right away, at time of purchase. The warranty starts when you get the car. With Entune/XM, just take what you get, regarding the trial. The trial might start from when you first tune it in, not sure. We had our car for maybe 6 months when I just stumbled on it, happened to be playing with the radio. Maybe it wasn't working when we got it? Not sure, LOL. FWIW, after one year subscription and then cancelling, I'm not a big fan, would never give them a credit card number again. One technical issue: it's near useless in our area, way too much break up, due to trees, buildings, etc. Can't comment on the long distance purchase, good luck though.
I would call your sales person and arrange a walk-a-round. Then you can ask questions you are concerned about. Any dings, scratches or blemishes? Then do the interior. The shipper will do the same before it is loaded on the truck and then check again after it is off.
a new 12v would be a great idea if it has sat that long. you can't harm the hybrid battery, but they should check it and give it a charge before shipping if necessary. all the best!
Funny you should ask this! I just purchased a new 2012 Pip that had been in the showroom. A week later, I had to have it towed back to the dealer because the 12 volt battery was very dead (couldn't be jump-started). Definitely ask for a new 12 volt!
you can call a car shipper, or perhaps the dealership can recommend one. when the pip first came out, early 2012, people were having them shipped all over the country.