This Monday I plan to get me 2012 Prius windows tinted. But I am not sure whether to tinted all 10 windows same darkness or the front seats and small front seats windows tinted less dark than the rear seats and small rear seats windows plus hatch back windows? Anyone have some photos and suggestion to share with me on how darkness and which way better and looks good?
A number of us including myself dislike disparate tint and find it distracting. If 30% is as dark as you can get away with on the front side windows then tint that all around. Also, how dark you should go depends on your car's color and mods. In general, darker tint looks best on light colored cars and lighter tint looks best on dark colored cars. Dark tint looks especially good on Blizzard Pearl. Lighter tint looks more classy on flat paints like silver. It's all subjective.
Do whatever KS law allows. The tint shops should know. I have some photos of my v with 20% all around.
most states have laws on how dark you can go on the front... i just did 5% on all the rear and 50% on the front(state law is 43% on front) Formula One Pinnacle tint Doesnt look bad in my opinion.
Thanks for your advise 32kcolors. My car color is Dark Blue so lighter tint like 20% all way around is better looks in your opinion. I plan to get darker tinted on the rear seat, rear side and rear hatchback windows. What do you think?
20% all around rather than 20% front/darker on rear half looks better and more classy IMO. If you're concerned about heat blocking, then go ceramic.
I talked to Police Department and the KSA stated that tinted windows not less than 35%. I guess 20% is darker than 35%. So I might have to go with 35% front and 20% on the rear windows.
I don't think that's right. Kansas tint law says it must be 35% all around so if you want to be technically legal, you'd actually have to go with a 50% film as the Prius is already factory tinted ~75% all around (50% x 75% for an aggregate of 37.5%). However, what's legal and what's actually enforced are two different things. Many of us regularly get away with technically illegal tint provided that it's light enough. 50% film is going to look like nothing on the Prius.
I finally get me car tinted. The front side windows is 35% legal and the rear side windows is 20%. It looks good. I also have front top windshield tinted 20% (about 5" tall) and rear bottom windshield tinted 35% (with existing tint make it total of 20%).
looks good. I wish i could go like 15% on the front and like 50% on the windshield. I would be a happy camper!
We notice that quality shops in Socal typically exceed legally defined tint specs per customer requirements, but they include free film removal upon being cited.