Usually a Glock 27, on occasion in the winter I'll take my Glock 23 out. The 27 gets Winchester pdx1 loads and the 23 gets fed hydroshock's. All 180 grain. Much more info then you wanted lol.
I bet that's pretty nice to conceal. All the videos and pictures I've seen have it looking very small. I long debated a Kahr CM9 or CM40 for my carry gun but decided I liked that my carry gun would take the same mags and everything from my other Glock. Sig's are a most excellent gun but I had a bad experience with my P226 Navy and ended up giving it away to my dad.
Yeah the sig is very nice, it is small enough to go into a pocket and with a nice pocket holster at the most it looks like a wallet, at the least like nothing.
Most of these threads end up there anyway. If you are sufficiently impatient, you can accelerate the move (or banishment). CyberpriusII didn't need to explain, she could have just erased to the content of the post.
Those who have around here long enough know that I am one too. But most of the evidence was in threads that eventually blew up and were purged or banished to FHoPol. Some remaining evidence is still visible in the chart graphics in my PC photo album.
Ok here's my take...on gun control. I beleave in the constution. I support the ownership of guns. I have and messed with guns all my life...but something is wrong. Everyday here a teenager shots another or a child or baby gets shot by a stray bullet. I live in Virginia in Hampton Roads area. This is wrong. How do we stop this? The current laws do not work. What is the solution cause I do not know. SCH-I535 ? 2
^ Well we could pass laws that forbid the sale and use of drugs, thats a good part of violence in America today. We all know how well that's worked out don't we?
I sure don't know the answer to how to completely stop all gun violence, and I don't think anyone does. However, I do know that disarming the population is not the solution. It only sacrifices our freedom and tool for self preservation. The one main thing that our county was founded on the principle of, FREEDOM. Though this post I don't think was intended to discuss opinions on gun control.
Control of the implement is a failed endeavor. I live in richmond, and am familiar with the Hampton roads area. What is happening, and continues to happen is a cultural and societal breakdown within their communities where life and property have no value. Their culture in music, film and other areas embraces this and therefore it is replicated in the streets.
Too bad I can only "Like" this once. I'd also like to add that this generations aversion to personal responsibility goes a long way in facilitating those items MP outline above.
It sounds to me like you think things are getting worse in this regard. Statistics disagree. "...the homicide rate has been near stagnant or falling for 21 consecutive years." " [2011] rate was the lowest of any year since 1963" "“The highest murder rate in national history was between 1846 and 1887,” not including Civil War deaths" -Washington Post
Public perception is often a odds with reality, and skewed news coverage doesn't help. Back when I was more of an activist, one of the studies found that as the national homicide rate was falling, something around a 20% decline over a few years in the mid-1990s, the national (not local) network TV news coverage of homicides increased 721%. And recent polls find that most people still think of it as rising, despite the official crime statistics showing it to be cut in half over the past two decades.
The places it's still high is where there is no deterrent, police are then overwhelmed too and the vicious cycle begins. _____________________________________ Alan