This is a problem unique to plug-ins: I found a trail of argentine ants climbing up the charging cable, and some on the inside dash. After half an hour following ants I found them nibbling on a dead fly in the engine compartment... So, given that every car probably has dead bugs stuck somewhere in the cooler ribs - any good ideas to keep ants out? I sprinkled some "kills ants on contact" pulver on the cable going up, but that's not a permanent solution.
It's not really unique to plugins. Your tires touch the ground like everyone else's tires and that provides a trail anywhere in the car. Personally I like RAID to kill the buggers, but it is not very eco-friendly and spraying it on a cord you will handle with your hands is probably not a good idea. I would tackle to problem a different way. Instead of trying to get the ants to not climb the charger cable, get rid of the ants around the car. If this happens in your garage or on your property then some good traps and/or sprays might get rid of the problem entirely.
You need to charge more often...OTOH, finding them next to the gas cap...could take m emonths sometimes to notice this. Mike