Hello All, I am new to the forum and looking to purchase a new Prius C. I was hoping for some information to help me make the right decission. I comute 100 miles a day at higher highway speeds (around 75-85mph, its the flow of traffic around here) for almost my entire comute. I test drove a Prius C the other day and after about 20 miles with cruise set on 80mph, the computer showed 33mpg was the average. So I was hoping for some real world input from currenty Prius C owners that comute at higher highway speeds. Thanks for any information!
In my trip home from Kansas with the car brand new at those speeds I did mid/high 40's to 50's, just depending on terrain.... Since then I'm rarely on the expressway...
If you drive 80 MPH you would get less 40 MPG so better with Regular Prius. If you drive 65 MPH it would be at around 50 MPG. I'm driving 55 MPH for 18 miles trip and get high 60 MPG.
On my Plug-In Prius, I averaged about 47 mpg while traveling average 80 mph with AC on. This was over 1000 miles roundtrip on vacation so there was little electricity factored in. This is probably what a regular Prius could achieve. I expect the Prius C to achieve worse fuel economy in the condition you describe because EPA estimates show the regular Prius to have better highway fuel economy. Oh and I get 70+ mpg with my PiP including electricity for my 103 mile roundtrip commute. It's something to consider. My math showed that the higher costs of the PiP over the Prius C is offset by the lower fuel costs of the PiP over the expected 200k mile lifetime of the car. Costs being the same, it made more sense to commute in a larger more comfortable car.
If you want to drive 80 MPH, I don't think the Prius is for you. It defeats the purpose of the vehicle
I've put on about 26000 miles on my car now and my combined average is around 47MPG - that's with a lot of highway driving. The Prius C does not like fast speeds - the slower you go, the higher your MPGs are. That being said, driving between 71-74 MPH, you can get between 45-50 depending on weather and the terrain. When you start driving 75MPH and above, that's when you really start seeing the MPGs drop. I was driving about 200-300 miles yesterday at speeds around 75-81 mph constantly and netted out 43 MPG. Not too bad, considering highway is rated at 46MPG. That was with AC on and at 80-85F weather. My wife has driven back from Chicago several times (about a 212km trip) and she gets around 40MPG. She drives the car like a regular car and doesn't pay attention to speeds, hills, etc. If you're looking to drive this car regularly between 75-85MPH, don't expect great MPG... And be forewarned - the Prius C is pretty sluggish on the highway - it doesn't have much passing power and struggles to get up to speed - that's one thing I hate about the car.
After I overcame my reluctance to just stomp on the gas and ignore the engine noise, I found the C's performance more than acceptable on the highways around the NYC metro area. The only time I find it a little sluggish is trying to accelerate hard while going uphill.
If you drive high speed the Prius C IS NOT THE CAR FOR YOU! The Prius C is a small, very low horsepower car designed by the engineers at TOYOTA to get high MPG at slow to moderate speeds. If you want to cruise the freeways or turnpikes at 70 to 80 MPH buy a high performance sports car!
At 80 mph I get 36-40 mpg. If you're doing a lot of fast highway driving, then I think a small diesel (like they use in Europe) would be your best bet.
OP, that chart is right here: Updated MPG vs MPH chart This chart is for the regular Liftback. The 'c' ought to be a bit lower at high speed, but no one has done the work to create a similar chart.
On my interstate trips at 80 mph or as close as negotiatiung thru traffic will allow I get 46 mphg regularly. Beats heck out of 18 mpg for my alternate ride tho its a little bit quicker. Not enough though.
i just bought my Prius C2 about 1.5 months ago, my daily commute it 140 miles total (there and back to work) and I can tell you I drive with CC set to 69 when I am on flat roads and control the speed myself when going up and down hills and so far all 5 of my tank fill ups are netting me 51+ MPG. That's even with the AC on many of those days.
A common fallacy. The Prius is the perfect car for the person who drives lots of miles at 80MPH. Name a car that gets better fuel economy than the Prius on the rural interstate at extralegal speeds.
also wanted to point out that the "C" actually stands for City. How often do you drive 80MPH in the city? lol
Driving from SF Bay Area to San Diego, I average about 75-80MPH most of the time and I get on average 45MPG which is a HUGE step up from my Lancer EVO VIII which got 20-21MPG at the SAME speed (75-80MPH). Plus, when you hit LA Traffic, the Prius C shines by not burning gas while idling for hours at a time in traffic. I guess, this car is not for everyone, but either way, I think the MPG is excellent especially compared to a sports car that uses 91 Octane gas, has a 11.5 gallon tank, and ONLY got 250miles to the tank at 80MPH and being gentle on the throttle.
This thread caught my eye since I have been commuting between Dallas and Houston a couple of times this month and driving between 75mph-90mph. Even at 90MPH I average, according to fuelLog, between 33-37MPG with the weather being below 40 on each trip I made. The last trip netted me 37MPG because the weather happen to be around 55-60. Even speeding in the C is WAY more efficient than MOST vehicles. Speeding does reduce the range drastically to around 300-350(dependent on weather). These are real world result, car now has 32002 miles on it as of today, and another road trip is to coming up in two days.