Hello there! Just thought I would introduce myself. I'm a very long time lurker but first time poster. I actually had a 2010 Prius II in Blue Ribbon Metallic until this weekend when I traded that in for a 2013 Blizzard Pearl Persona. I was thinking about just upgrading to the Three to get the 3 door SKS and the Nav but I ended up falling in love with the Persona interior and the wheels. I've only had it for a couple of days but I'm loving it!
Thanks so much! The inside is the black SoftTex seats with the red stitching. The interior is also black, really sharp looking compared to the gray interior of my 2010 Prius.
Congratulations. Our family is on our second Prius. 2006 and 2013 Plugin. I now drive the 2006. I use to drive a Ford Taurus. They are great cars. We have nothing but great things to say about them. I hated my Taurus. When I started driving the 2006 three months ago, it was a whole new driving experience for me. The car has 103000 miles, and it drives like a new car. All mainteance is up to date, and I just detailed it last weekend. It looks great. Enjoy your new car.
Looks really nice, i have 2010 III blizzard pearl for about 2 weeks now and love it even more everyday. Mine is with sunroof and solar package whic is a must for hot states like louisiana where temperatures rise way above 100 degrees more than half of the year. I like the wheels on your persona better and stitching sounds nice feature for prius, is it just the stitching is different or you feel difference in seat position design and comfortability?
Thanks so much! I've been so spoiled by the MPG for the Prius, I probably won't be able to handle a "regular" car MPG again. lol
Thanks! Honestly, the seats feel more comfortable to me than my 2010 but I don't think that they are different. I could be wrong though. My 2010 had cloth and not the SoftTex but I don't think that would make a different in comfortability. Maybe it's just because it's new that I think it feels more comfy. lol. I might look in to tinting the windows though. I'm in IL and it doesn't get as hot year round but with the SoftTex and all black interior, it's going to be an oven all summer.
Wondering why you hated your Taurus. I had a '97 and while the 20 MPG wasn't great, I had little else to complain about. Even though it was a low end 'G' trim level, it was a luxury car compared to my 2011 Prius 2. It had better ride and handling than the Prius and a much more upscale interior. I'm not dissing the Prius by any means but I found my Taurus to be a very attractive and pleasant car to own. Wondering what was so wrong with yours, sir?
Nice heels on the Persona. It makes the car. Do you find the new cars seats have more cushioning or the same ?
Thanks! I'm not really a wheel noticing kind of gal but these really caught my eye. They are awfully shiny! I probably can't appreciate them as much as some folks but I think that they look really great on the car. I feel like the seats have more cushioning. Even my mom commented today on the new seats, saying they were more comfortable. But it could just be the "new car" effect kicking in.
I had to run by my local dealer this morning. I alway check the inventory. They had one exactly as yours. I'd seen it before with a silver one. The white looks good with the darker wheels, and the interior has some nice additions. This one had a VA inspection of March 2013, so it's been there a while. My understanding, very few remaining. I have the same style Prius 5 silver wheels on my PIP and really like the look. Congratulations and enjoy your new Prius Persona.
Thanks! I was actually surprised that my dealer had two of the BP Personas. One on the lot (the one I bought) and one in the showroom. Mine has 189 miles on it so it's probably been hanging around for a while. Just waiting for me, I guess! For what I understand, the Persona was kind of limited edition so I guess it's just whatever the dealer has left. It's not real important to me but it's kind of fun to have a unique Prius, at least around here.
I also had a 97 Taurus. I prefer my Prius any day over the Taurus for a whole list of reasons including better handling. I also had a 93 Taurus wagon and a Sable wagon (can't remember the year). When I choose to drive the Prius hard with PWR mode enabled it drives more like the 1988 Thunderbird with 5.0L & sports package that I had.
I don't agree with your take on the handling. I found my Taurus steered faster and and both handled and rode better. That didn't make it a better car overall but aspects of it were better. The Prius electric steering is devoid of feel and simply doesn't respond as quickly as the hydraulic unit in my Taurus. The Prius rides stiffer, too. I suspect the Prius is significantly more reliable than the Ford but I found my Taurus more appealing as a car. Agree to disagree.
I have a '96 Chrysler Concorde. It's roomier, more comfortable, and manages 22 MPG average while giving the smoothest ride. The Prius is the car I prefer of the two though because its reliability and safety are just in a whole different league than the Concorde's.