We just went through Belle Fourche - right up the road from Spearfish - two weeks ago on a major road trip. Nice authentic town - we ate lunch at that real old-style diner by the rail road tracks and grain silo in the center of town. Our Prius plate is VOLTME.
I want one that says BAC-OFF or FUC-OFF When I was in Singapore, I saw a police vehicle, which was a Toyota Corolla, with a scrolling electronic message board in the back window. It was running lights on VIP escort duty. The message board read: "POLICE. BACK OFF. VIP MOTORCADE."
I dislike personalized license plates. But I dislike bumper stickers and/or whatever trendy sticker is the thing to attach to the back of your vehicle. I mean if I see your vehicle parked in the parking lot, and/or I pull up behind it? I don't care if you are stick figure Man and Wife, with stick figure children dog and cat. Who cares? Same with personalized license plates. Whatever cute saying you morph into a series of letters and/or numbers? Well how long does that remain entertaining to you? If the charge lasts more than a month, you are far too easily entertained. I don't really care that UR A DOC or U LOV DOGS...or even PRIUS 4 EVA.... My vehicle is my platform for driving. For getting from point A to B. It's not my platform for self asborbed cutesy communication.
No vanity plates for me :-( I have a Carlsbad license plate holder. It says Village By the Sea It cost $3 at the visitor center
Hahaha! Nice post. I'm with you on bumper stickers or other stickers, but I think plates are ok. Thing is, I don't think I've ever cared enough about anything to put a sticker on my car (same way I feel about tattoos.) Maybe that's sad, but I don't know. I was going to get the newly available Washington Nationals license plates but the DC DMV (and the Nats) want you to pay $100 every year. Pfff.
The California Coastal Commission (Whale Tale)with a random plate number is an initial $50 plus $40 annual for renewal above normal fee's. The California Coastal commission with a personalized plate number is an initial $98 plus $78 annual for renewal above normal fee's.
Yep, I got the blue Whale Tail license plate not because I care about the cause but because I dislike how the standard white CA license plate sticks out like a sore thumb on black cars.
Like or dislike, two choices. I'm a big personalized plate fan and have had them continuously since 1977. Some are well done and clever, some suck. I prefer my initials for a classy look. I deviated with my Prius Plug In - R3VOLTN, but in my opinion, driving a Prius sends the same message. I don't do bumper stickers, stick figures, dealer names and logos. All the items you describe are innocent fun to those that choose them. Tattoos? Years ago, mostly bikers, sailors, and tough guys. Couldn't pay me enough to get one even in the deepest crevasse in my outer body, void of light.