I hope this isn't too silly, but I've noticed that several people have named their car. It's kind of a tradition in my family, too. So, what did you name your Prius? Mine is Domo, and the Nav is Patience (she has her own voice, she gets her own name!). And here's a pic:
I name all of my cars. I think it's bad luck not to,or is that a boat, lol! Mine is Goldie, no name for the voice yet, probably Gladys.
Momi Kai, which is Hawaiian for Sea Pearl. (Her color is Sea Glass Pearl.) We named our portable GPS Portia.
I never named any of my previous cars, but this one is so smart I'm considering it. I'm leaning towards naming him Bruno.
I've never named any of my vehicles, but if I was to name the Prius, it would be Jimmy........... as in Jimmy Durante. My Prius has exactly the same nose as Jimmy.
We have always named our cars, ever since I was little! My Prius' name is Mercy !!! 2013 Prius hybrid 3, Meet Mercy !!!
I did not, but my kids think it looks like a Rocketship. So, it's affectionately known as Daddy's Rocketship.
I did not, but my wife did. She calls it Go-Go-Gadget Car! "The Lady in the Sky" provides one of the voices in my head Inspector Gadget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My mother used to name her vehicles. I've kept on with the tradition. But I haven't yet come up with a name for my Prius. I don't force these things. Eventually the right name will become obvious. My Black Honda Fit I named "Bellatrix". The name fit. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to call The Prius. But eventually there will be a name.
Of course... lol have named every car, started when I was a kid and its a whole family thing.. even my grandmother has named her car lol..... Prius is named - Delta Flyer II or (The Flyer |Delta |Delta Flyer) for short . My BMW was Delta Flyer hence the II. Prius C1 is named - Ecko - Don't ask, but the other half wanted that name... Ecko replaced Cinnamon or Cina for short (Hyundai XG350 L) The happy couple...
I officially dubbed my fully loaded (with every option) 2008 Prius T Spirit (a.k.a. Touring in the US) the "Phoenix Fantasy" or very often in passing, "The Spaceship". My last car, a black Mazda MX-3 was called "Dark Angel". I've had other cars go by the names "Defiant", "Voyager", "BatMobile" and my first ever car "Foxbat" (as in MIG-25.......well, it WAS a cheap, bright orange, crude but very reliable rear engined Skoda built in the old Czechoslovakia circa 1983 - went like a BAT out of.....). Phoenix Fantasy is the name of a replacement Passenger Space Liner in a science fiction trilogy I'm presently writing. Spaceship, because of the way it powers up every time I drive it. That startup sequence just blows my mind. And that 1950's / 1960's retro style futuristic dashboard? Highly appreciated!!!