Hello everyone, I had been lurking these forums for some time now while deciding if I wanted the C or not.. and I ended up buying one. My first new car yay! I had previously owned a 2007 red Mazda Miata, and I loved that car to death, but sadly I lost her in an accident After spending almost a year without a car (I'm a student and didn't really need one at the time) I decided it was time to buy another one, as I'd be starting an internship soon. I originally was looking at regular Priusses but then I saw the C and loved that it was a smaller version, coming from my Miata. Anyways, after having a battle with myself between getting the C in Summer Rain or in Absolute Red... I finally picked SRM. On the way home, I stopped by Pep boys to buy some accessories, and got some plaid pink seat covers, an extended rearview mirror, and these super cute eyelashes... Her name is Jewels! I did have one question--in the dash display, how do you toggle between different screens? My screen is on the one that shows your time and miles driven etc... I wanna get to the screen that shows my ECO score!
Hey...! It was my first new car as well, mine is 3 months old but feels like I got it 1 month ago. I like ECO score. With the car on press the "DISP" button, on your steering wheel to the right.
Congrats on the SRM! Just got 15000 mile service yesterday - car still makes me smile. The color is fun - it's blue sometimes and green under different light. Eyelashes? Cute but not for me. I did consider cutting out some chipmunk teeth and putting it in the grill.
Mazda Miata is the best! If I wasn't so anal about saving $, I'd buy a miata! Welcome to the forums and congrats on the C
Eyelashes? :gasp: lol, looks like you should've mounted 2 sets of them because only half her eyes are lashed. SCH-I535
A great car you've chosen. Regarding changing the display there is a switch (button) on your steering wheel that says display. Just push it and the different displays available will come up with each push. Also look through your manual and learn about the wonderful car you've bought. I'm kind of surprised the Toyota salesman didn't take the time to show you the car's features. My car's dealership took time to introduce me to my C's features.
Take the time to read the owner's manuel. The answers to questions like the one you asked are all in the book plus hundreds others. Welcome to the Prius C club.
Perhaps she was trying for this? IIRC, the right side buttons, DISP, would bring the different screens around. Otherwise, you OM would be a good thing to take inside for some deep reading. I've really enjoyed my C for the past 18k miles. I'm sure you will enjoy yours. Remember...Defensive Driving is your friend.
Congrats! Have had mine for 16 months, and I love it more and more everyday. There are so many cool things to learn on this car, that there is a new surprise all the time. Happy C-ing.
Thanks for the replies everyone! Yeah, I guess the display button on the steering wheel would have been an obvious one, lol. There are lashes on both of my headlights, but you can't see the other side very well because of the shade I guess, haha.. This picture is before I actually put them on--I had just stuck the lashes between the hood and the headlights to see if I'd like it, but they look much better now that I actually put them on. I know some people don't like it, but that's okay... I like them, and they really fit me! Plus I don't mind all the long stares people give me as I slowly drive past them... I would even say I enjoy them. hehe
Or in my case, I used that time to show my dealer a few of the car's features, including the correct place to find the jack.
The dealership did show me a few things.. but I guess they weren't very thorough haha. They showed me how to setup bluetooth with my phone, the usb jack, a little bit about the navigation display... a little bit about satellite radio... But mostly I've figured out stuff on my own.. like when I discovered how to lock the doors without taking out your key by touching the indentations on the door handles.. I was amazed. lol. Does anyone have a little trouble seeing out the back window with those huge tall headrests? I mean, I can still see, but it does nip a little bit of my vision off of the sides of the rear window. I took them out and put them in my trunk, and I figure if I actually have passengers in the back (which won't be often), I'd just put the headrests back in for that specific trip.
An exhibitionist, are we? On headrests in the back, I simply removed mine and stored them in the garage. Nobody ever sits back there. If there's a point when it's needed, I'll throw them in the back storage area. Maybe on top of the spare.
We, like Andy, took the rear headrests off. It seemed to improve rear visibility and we have a policy of forbidding rear passengers. There are things called cabs and buses for these individuals. The dealership that sold us our Prius C gave us little instruction on how the car works. I guess they follow the path that it is better to learn "by doing". The car manual has become my favorite bedside reading. My wife has stuck something called 40 Shades of something under it for future reference. As a aside, my better half achieved 56mpg on her way to work. She must be getting adept at feathering the gas pedal. Being blond(only her hairdresser knows for sure), I have nicknamed her the Golden Eagle.