Normal to have a buzzing so7nd from the car while parked with the ac on? Its not terribly loud but can be heard inside the car with windows up.
Is it also normal to feel a light thunk when the ice kicks in?? Im new to the hybrid cars and want to catch everything before my certified warranty ends lol.
How loud is the buzzing? Loud enough that maybe it's a leaf or something caught in the system (had that a few times on an 80s Volvo)? Yeah, car air conditioners are fountains of odd little noises.
seems more like an electrical noise, i only notice it at a stop with ice off and hardly noticeable unless window is open.
Yea. Same here. Sounds more electrical. And its not too loud but can hear it with windows up. Can hear it very very well outside the car. I also hear a light squealing when breaking. Hoping thats normal too....
It's the multi-speed electric air conditioning compressor. Run the AC, step outside the car when the engine is not running and you can hear it plainly. I have the remote AC button on my key fob. I hear it start and change speeds as I approach the car. It ain't right, but it is normal. Someday this will not be so noisy.... The real light squeal noise is the inverter turning regen-braking forces into HV DC current to charge the battery. This will be muffled someday on future generations.
hard to say for sure, but probably regen activity. if you have time someday, go to a dealer and take a new one for a test drive. then you can hear for yourself what is 'normal'. there is also a section in the manual discussing hybrid sounds.