A red light flashes at night on the dashboard of my daughters '08 Prius at night. I don't know about daytime. I can't make out what the emblem is. Is this some kind of security feature? This is a base Prius.
This is completely false. Don't answer what you don't know. RTFM. Indicators are found on Page 7 and the immobilizer system is described on page 46 and 47. It is part of the immobilizer system and it doesn't just flash and do nothing. It part of the system that keeps your doors locked and your windows up with the car off. In older vehicles if you got something into the car when it was locked you could press the power unlock button and the doors would unlock. When this light is blinking, the immobilizer function is active and it will prevent you from being able to do anything. Testing it by locking the car with the windows rolled down and then trying to press the button inside you will see what it does.
My Immobilizer was triggered by turning the car on for 30 sec and off for 3 minutes, this was done 4 or 5 times while cleaning the cabin air filter behind the glove box. I didn't want to leave the car on and drain the 12v battery. This activity set the alarm. Stumped, I disconnected the 12v neg cable. Prayed and went to bed. Next day, read the Prius Chat forum for a bit and things started to make some sense when I landed here. Reconnected the 12V battery, pressed the start button, Dash Lights! Ready light! The car is fine. We drive computers that look like cars.