yes, the newyork story is kinda funny. i'm in the middle lane of a 3 lane, doing the speed limit heading for the tappan z. fairly heavy traffic, the left laners are doing 15-25 over the limit. a cop comes flying by me, and i figger he's gonna nab someone in the left lane for speeding. all of a sudden, he slams the brakes, pulls in behind me, and 15 minutes later, hillary clinton has $160, of my money.
No, neither the U.S. specification 2012 v wagon we have or the 2013 you have came with DRL. There are a number of threads about adding DRL of various types. I chose to install a Webelectric kit: WebElectric DRL-2P installation into 2012 Prius v | PriusChat The turn signals are very bright when used as DRL -- brighter than the non-headlight incandescent DRL on GM vehicles and VW's. It's off-topic but it is also possible to add side mirror turn signals to the Prius v wagon using fairly inexpensive components from the Scion iQ: Scion IQ signal mirrors on a Prius v wagon | PriusChat These two modifications addressed what I consider to be serious safety equipment omissions of our U.S. specification Prius v wagon.
It's not exactly illegal here, I think, But in 46 years of driving I've seen drivers open car doors in front of bikes. also veer over to squeeze them out. People can be really dumb!
Well, in California, these dumb people better be careful because intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist is illegal (CVC 22400) and opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcycle is illegal (CVC 22517).
In CA, lane splitting can be beneficial. I used to commute through LA bumper to bumper traffic on my motorcycle. It was always unpleasant and straining on my body to manhandle my bike in stop-and-go conditions, not so much when commuting in my car. When I did lane split, I was very careful and made sure to use the passing light function on my bike, and even sometimes my horn. I was always taught to ride defensively. And for those riders who abuse the law and "zoom" past cars while splitting lanes, those are reckless riders, and I am pretty sure making lane splitting illegal will not do much in preventing accidents.
I run the LED DRL's on the Prius but do not run the DRL's on the Prius c I normally am not a fan of DRL's I think if you can't see a car coming you shouldn't be walking or driving. Had them deactivated on my VW when I had it. Started using them when I had a BMW, the LED Angel Eyes were pretty cool and you had the option to turn them on or off... Didn't like them on my Prius but they grew on me. I'm happy Toyota gives the option of allowing owners to choose whether to have them on or off. There was a TSB for my 4Runner to deactivate them.... They don't look good at all on the Prius C.
That's because they were using 35w turn signal bulbs in the small space in the headlight housing and the lenses were getting damaged from the heat.
WOW... lol... well I'm happy the dealer turned them off, they didn't want to, but I had to stress that I knew there was a TSB to turn them off... I didn't know why lol but now I do... Thank you...
I always leave my DRL's on. Doesn't make sense why the DRL is on the headlamp stalk in the position that regular cars have for headlamps off. No wonder there are so many 12/13 Prii driving around with their DRL's off. Mike
First, if you were going slowly, you should have been in the right lane. Second, you broke a law and had to pay for that. I see nothing unusual here.
first, i was going the speed limit, same as the car in front of me. second, i said it was funny, not unusual. in fact, it isn't unusual for cops to ignore speeding in our current culture, but not wearing a seatbelt has become the crime of the century, as reflected by the many radio 'public service announcements'. and dui is still looked at as an 'unfortunate circumstance' for both perp and victim.
The cost of fuel used is less than what it would cost if someone didn't see you because of the sun's glare and crossed in front of you
They should have a DRL off button on the dash. If you want to, hit that button and it will turn off, until you restart the car, like how you turn off traction control on a normal car. So you can't accidentally leave it off all the time. You really can't argue that the LED DRL create too much glare (I did not buy the glare argument with the depowered high beam DRLs either). I have had DRLs since 2002. Even in sunny Texas, they have kept a few people from lane changing or pulling in front of me. The move, look, oops, stop routine. I do wish they move the DRLs to the headlights from the bumper. The Prius is already low. Having them higher up might make them more effective. At least in my mind.
I don't know about you people, but I can't miss a 12/13 Prius on the road when they have their LED DRL's on. They are freaking bright. No need to move them up higher when they are blazing bright where they are now. Mike
Yes but if you are in an SUV, the lower bumper part might be out of the viewing area of the mirror, especially on the driver side.