At first I thought I was paranoid and I must just be more conscious of bad behavior from other drivers, but at this point but after 13 months with my Prius C I know its not just in my head. While this only pertains to a small percentage of drivers overall, some (particularly those with sports cars and large SUVs) seem react very strongly to seeing a Prius on the road. Yesterday on a small two lane road with woods on both signs and tons of "no passing" and "do not pass" signs, I was driving .. lets just say not below the speed limit. A large SUV pulls up behind me and then goes over the double yellow lines into opposing traffic to pass me. Now of course I catch up with him at the next night about a mile down the road. I know there are plenty of crazies out there, but some of them just take it to a new level. For the record.. I don't drive slowly. I generally pass 80% of cars on the highway and never go below the speed limit.. unless the weather absolutely requires it.
Yes Prius Owner.... They're all going to laugh at you. They haven't really invited you to the Prom and made you queen because they like you...and at some point they are going to tip a bucket of blood over your head. Just get use to the horrific persecution and lack of understanding, compassion and respect while driving. Because it can get scary.
I agree some proactively pass Prius without realizing the Prius is already over the speed limit. But I also notice this in my Minivan, just less often. Lots of folks in a rush out there.
sadly, this is one reason why there are so many accidents. first, they're in a major hurry and the thought of having to be behind anybody, no less a prius, is ruining there day. next thing you now, they're overturned in a ditch. now they're really gonna be late.
I deal with the same fraction of ragers with my hybrid as when I had an SUV, and I'm generally close (or slightly below) the speed limit. On the highway, everyone passes me. Even after 5 miles the slow drivers are like f*** this and they pass me
Thats funny you say this because that exact same thing happened to me yesterday as I was driving back home from Big Bear!
I've seen the same phenominom, but believe it to be be aimed at EVERYONE out there, not just Prius drivers. There is some strange attraction to the Prius for some aholes, but the others treat everyone in front of them as somebody to get around as fast as they can. But when they do they just get up behind the next person and get around them, etc. You're never going to get away from those people, but don't get excited about it. You know it's going to happen so it's not like a surprise. Let them go around, and you'll be out of their mind before they even pull back in. As long as you're going at the speed limit or above and are not being a hazard to navigation, it's pretty much all on the ahole.
I can honestly say that my driving behavior as a new Prius C owner has remarkably improved. I used to drive a small SUV (Kia Sorento), and I am ashamed to say that previously I would have been one of "those" passers. Now I actually drive the speed limit and laugh as the big guys pass me. I picture them being in a hurry on their way to the gas station. Long live the Prius (and any other well designed hybrid/plug ins)!
Install onboard cam,post video all over web.....those are the sheep with +/-34 points of iq,or fat or short or.......
I have to say I quite understand other drivers' frustration. The Prius C's eco score discourage a driver from accelerating and braking, which means most drivers (rightly or wrongly) tends to stay away from the red zone (since it looks like the engine is redlining) and the bottom of the braking zone (since it implies the energy is wasted and the brake pad is being consumed). This is especially true on uphill slopes where the C has trouble at the best of the times and to red lights where C drivers tends to coast rather than drive up and brake hard (thus make the turning lanes available faster). Prius C drivers also like to P&G, which I suspect is super annoying to the driver behind who is used to constant speed. I used to curse drivers who fail to keep on with the traffic flow. Now I find myself doing the same thing. Although it's only temporary since I would catch up with traffic sooner or later.
When I find a SUV driving knucklehead behind me I find that taking out a newspaper from under the seat and reading has the ability to really tork them off. I feel that if I can actually see the veins in his/her neck I done my job. Remember that the knucklehead is probably in a big hurry to get home and watch reruns of the Oprah Winfrey Show.
I know somebody who would pop open the trunk when somebody honks him on a light change, get out, close the trunk and thank the guy. I don't recommend it where hand guns are more popular.
You know what I hate? Approaching an intersection ready to keep going, then stepping on my brakes for the one stinkin car
Someone posted a Disney cartoon with Goofy I believe showing how some people become entitled and aggressive when they get behind the wheel. Prius drivers feel entitled too, but go slower to see if they can get better MPG. Just go with the flow, be aware of the surrounding traffic and let those that want to pass.
I drive the speed limit. Now and then I'll get someone who tailgates and then passes me by crossing the yellow line. I just flip them off. You know they are looking over to see who the slow person is as they pass you!
There are lots of people out there that hate small foreign cars. Trouble is you can't change stupid. I just smile when someone tailgates or flips me off. Don't understand why some people just love to be in a bad mood. Life is to short, I try to remind myself that it's a beautiful world and that I should enjoy every minute.