Who cares what car the person drives. Cutting someone off, tailgating, weaving in and out because you in a hurry is placing a lot of people including the driver in danger. Obviously, this kind of Russian roulette will most certainly cause an accident. The least likely result may indeed be a death, certainly injury is a more likely, and most probably an insurance claim. Tack on having to pay a traffic ticket. Road bullies produce the following: Higher insurance rates Loss of use of your vehicle Loss of value to your vehicle Damage to personal property other than the car Personal injury Injury to loved ones Loss of work Traffic jams See if you can increase the list
Increased carbon footprint Higher demand for gas -- higher gas prices Sometimes they kill wildlife Noise pollution (i.e. loud engine revving and horns) Their constant weaving in and out is dangerous to emergency vehicles like firetrucks and ambulances.
So are you calling the Prius driver I witnessed in a 65 mile per hour zone doing 50 and cutting people off a"road bully?"
Com'on page 12 !!! I'm tellin'ya,, less than 35 MPH everywhere is the only safe and efficient way to go. Soon our cars will do this for us. We won't need human control (and the inevitable mistakes) of transportation devices. In this day and age how can we have planes hand flown into the rocks and trains hand controlled into 50 mph turns at 120 mph? That teenager, that a buck and a half a week is serious money, should calculate his savings at 35 MPH. How can he justify driving at 55 MPH?
Bill I have no idea what you're so upset about. If you want to fly down the highway at 70 mph just to be with "the flow" then go ahead; I'm not stopping you. But I'm not going to waste a lot of my hard EARNED money just to shave a minute off my trip in an attempt to look "cool." I don't have a peer pressure problem on the road like other teenagers, and by God you should at least be happy about that.
BritBuddy, I am not upset about anything. I am celebrating our differences !! Well maybe a little upset when I'm behind someone going way slower than the speed limit in the left lane. But I get over it! Actually where I live, I think we have above average drivers and my commute is typically very normal above 70 mph with all my left lane buddies going with the flow! And no tailgating on really modern 4 lane highways! I'm just pointing out, if you want to save " a lot of my hard EARNED money ", how can you justify going 50-55 mph " just to shave a minute off my trip "? Everyone knows the savings are HUGE going 35 mph!! You do sound like a well spoken, intelligent young man. Stay in school, work hard, make good grades and maybe someday you won't have to pinch it so hard !! You own an amazing high tech car. You are entitled to your opinions on that car. Com'on page 12....
If you're going to behave that way, just don't be surprised, and be sure not to get caught, by the bull-bars on the way off the shoulder of the road...
Just the other day there was another shooting on the Los Angeles freeway. I believe 1 death and 1 injured. Point being that there are stupid people (that's my opinion) carrying guns while driving on the freeway and are willing to use those guns. Drive accordingly.
This only adds "teeth" to the keep right except to pass rules. So keep right and let the gas guzzlers and speed demons fly by you on the left. Remember you'll still get there safely with extra $ in you pocket. The reason they are in such a hurry is they will have to stop for a $80 fill-up. They'll pass everything except the gas station. Yes I live in Floriduh! This law doesn't bother me a bit.
Sometimes I get honked at. But it doesn't bother me because I'm always (or mostly) traveling in the slow lane The other car has the opportunity to pass me in the fast lane, and I love seeing the average MPG at the end of the trip.
Hello....I live in Florida and the law is specifically targeted at people driving too slow IN THE PASSING LANE. Hope this info helps....
Again and again it has nothing to do with what vehicle is being driven, the vehicle is unimportant. It has everything to with how aggressively the driver is. I don't care if a driver is on a motorcycle, road bullies are simply people who don't care about you, your family, your property, the law, or anything else except, themselves and their needs. They simply will do anything to you or anybody else out of out there way. Hurry up, move over, get out of my way.
it also depends on road conditions. If the roads are wet, or icy, or flooded, or its foggy, the law dictates drive safely for the road conditions.
Maybe you and the guy who wants to draft with the person in front should have a private talk. Drafting | PriusChat
Fortunately for us we have the second amendment to protect us from people like you. If you don't like them, then don't own one. But banning them means only those who could give a **** about the laws will still have them.
Boy you sure do have it all figured out. I drive with the flow in the left lane in my Prius and I've never spent $80 for a tank of gas. It's attitudes like yours that make it harder on normal Prius drivers as we are reduced to having to defend ourselves against the people who have been hated on by the "pulse and glide" crowd such as yourself.
Actually the obvious solution is Ban all road bullies, just dont let them drive their 3000 pound missile, with out regard to what family is in there way. Taking them off the road forever would mean no one will ever need to protect them selves from angry, raging, road bullies who have no fear of killing law abiding people, unless they think the person can do something about it!