I've considered removing the foam on my C (and SO's Accent, considering there isn't even a spare tire in there) to make room for luggage on trips. The only potential problem I recently thought of: is there a structural reason to leave the foam in place? Does it help protect the traction battery and back seat in rear-end collisions?
My impression is that it simply fills the space left by the fact that you have a "spacesaver" spare whereas other markets (*ahem*) get a full size spare. I assume our luggage area deck board is at the same height... but I have no foam.
Correctomondo. Now I look at it, it seems you guys don't get the little under-deck storage trays either side of the wheel either.
No, I haven't taken the spare tire out. GF's Accent has more trunk space and is the road trip car. If I do take something out, it'd only be the foam unless I was feeling particularly risky. I feel like the spare might also provide some sort of accident protection, though, even without the foam.
Wish I could post photos but I can't right now. Basically we used 6 or 8 1" and 2" deep plastic 'boxes each carrying specific tools - metric sets wrenches, screwdrivers, gages, calipers, specialties, etc ' The boxes have lock clasps and are light enough to be reomoved easilty as needed. There is also a air pump and numbers of metrics from 4mm to 28mm. I called it our rolling machine shop and several of the locals have done the same.
i feel like im missing out, since other places are getting the full spare. anybody think of mounting like an amp in that location or something?
Heck I thought it was cool that we got a spare at all.. Other small sized cars don't even go that far.. I was looking at a Chevy Cruze and all that was there was a can of Fix-a-Flat.. It's not like our "full size" tires are really "full size" anyway
The Hyundai Elantra gives you a "Tire Mobility Kit" - can of sealant and a DC air pump. No jack, tools or tire.
That's too funny. People don't realize that using sealant in the tire pretty much renders it useless outside of getting you to a gas station or tire shop to replace it.. Good luck getting that sucker to balance.. The fact that the Prius C actually has a spare tire was one of the (many) reasons I opted for this over competition.
TIP: Cutting styrofoam make a mess that will continue to make a mess. But if you heat a knife over a flame, and then cut through foam, it melts the remainder in place. About to pick up a '16 four with no spare. Hoping to add a donut spare and modify the foam accordingly.