Along with the gun stickers I linked to at How many assault rifles can you fit in a Prius C? | PriusChat.
Wait, I got it, An "Easy Rider Rifle Rack" no, that's for a pickup... OK, a matching set of kiddie car seats, that'l butch it, really, well OK, no not really.... Desperation act # 1, Earl Scheib $139.99 no ups no overs! Desperation act # 2, Sex Change In the pic the blue isn't that bad! Did you consider the person who told you that was just a "Douche" in the first place?
I must put in a word in favor of traditional masculine and feminine role models, the abandonment of which are undermining, in my opinion, the framework in which human beings achieve productive fulfillment. I struggled with this in my own choice of a Prius C...there's something to be said for buying an overtly male car, a car with some muscle. Practicality won out for me; couldn't argue with reliability and 50+ MPG. But, yeah, I held out for a color that didn't tilt feminine. I refuse to be pointlessly metrosexualized. If that makes me a Neanderthal, then I'll wear the badge proudly.
If you go around at nite in deep urban areas you need to be a karate black belt, well-armed, or an accredited boxer with that.
Good reply! It is amazing what some people think about the car. My brother can't beleave I bought a Obama car. Now he can't beleave my gas mileage. Very few people relize how nice a Prius is. Most reviews complain about the driving. I believed it until I rented one. I was shocked how nice this car was. I was going to buy a VW Passat TDI. SCH-I535 ? 2
I bought a dark blue and did not like the color you have..UNTIL I saw it a few days later going down the road. The color looks very nice now. I saw it on a Ford Fusion Hybrid and Prius. SCH-I535 ? 2
I'd get over it. It's just one opinion. Cool color, go enjoy your car and don't worry about what others think.
It bugs me that people on both sides seem to think only liberals will buy a Prius. Dammit, I stand to the right of Genghis Khan, but I refuse to be put in a box. Reliability and 50+ MPG should have universal appeal. Sure, some people will like or need different cars, but there's no reason for rejection. I do go out of my way to buy American when I can, but the home team has a few problems. I'm still mad at GM for stealing billions of taxpayer dollars in fraudulent bailouts, and I'm mad at the lying corrupt politicians -- both Bush and Obama -- for handing out that money to politically connected special interests and then proudly -- and falsely -- claiming they "saved" Detroit and the auto industry. And with globalism, is Toyota less American than GM? Toyota is cranking out a better product and not stealing from the Treasury. Actually it was Obama's reelection that tilted me toward Prius. Obama is intent on squeezing the oil supply and encouraging renewable alternatives -- which is great in theory, but I think he's a lot more adept at ruining one industry than he is in building another. And his Energy Sec'y Chu (now departed) famously called for American gas prices to rise to European levels. Setting aside the debate of whether these goals are good or bad, the tea leaves of Obama's reelection suggested gas supplies would more likely be squeezed. So I'd better consider MPG as a high priority. There are some interesting non-gas and high-MPG vehicles out there, but the Prius C may be the most affordable.
What a HUGE waste of time and effort in worrying or caring about what other people think. I remember years ago when my dad tried to sit me down and give me one of his lectures about "what other people think". I stopped him in the middle of the conversation and told him "as long as I'm not hurting myself or anyone else, I gave up long ago caring about what other people think". It was my way of saying "I'll be okay - don't worry about me". It's not that I don't care, but it's an attitude shift! I don't think my ego is so big that it can easily be bruised. It's one less burden I have to care or think about. I can honestly say my life has been much more happier and productive than his was. Unfortunately, because of his "what other people think" attitude, he died needlessly of cancer way before his time, because he was too embarrassed to even talk about it to his doctor. Yet, his older brother had two bouts of the same type of cancer (colon) and he'll be 90 this year. Two different attitudes yielding different results!
Here's an old joke to put things into perspective ... Little Johnny and a little girl are playing. Little Johnny pulls down his shorts and says, "I have one of these and you don't." The little girl starts crying and crying and runs home to her mother. The next day Little Johnny and the girl are playing together again. Once again Little Johnny points to his private parts and says, "I have one of these and you don't." But this time the little girl just keeps on playing. "How come you're not crying today," asks Little Johnny. "My mother told me," says the little girl, pulling up her dress, "that with one of these, I can get as many of those as I want."
If you ever get the chance to drive in Europe you will find everyone drives smaller cars. No stigma attached. I don't need to spend at least $50 extra in gas to feel Macho.
Remember that Australia isn't quite as bad as the US in terms of vehicle size. Although the SUV obsession is starting to infect us, last year the top two selling cars were the Mazda3 followed by the Toyota Corolla. The Holden Cruze, Hyundai i30, Toyota Yaris, Ford Focus, Mazda2 and VW Golf also featured in the Top 10. The only larger vehicles on that list were the Holden Commodore and Toyota Camry. Last time I hired a car in France, I booked an "Opel Astra or similar"... the CDMR rental category, so bigger than the "mini" or "economy" categories, but certainly not a full-size. They gave me a Renault Kangoo Diesel, which apparently is not a mistake (though is technically a "Compact" van). Behold: That was an experience. I actually had to check its height in the manual and avoid some roads as a result!
You should have bladed at 45 and yelled "YOU WILL NOT INSULT MY PRIUS!" That was my first color choice but She Who Must Be Obeyed wanted habanero. We got habanero. I still like the summer rain color but am getting used to the bright orange car. Easy to find in a parking lot. Most likely those guys would have said the same thing no matter the color. Heathens.
2 questions: Why is "vagina" considered by pre-teen males (and other that just act that way) to be a pejorative? and.... how manly is it to shove 60 bucks into a gas tank in order to drive 3/4 of the distance that you can with a Prius' thirty dollar fill-up? No need to be overly smug or thin-skinned. If you can't take a little Junior-High locker room ribbing, then you need to do what a lot of other insecure people do. Buy a truck or a muscle car. can save yourself a little grief and a lot of money. Grow up and stop giving other people the power to twist your tail.
Calling a Prius C "a V@gina on wheels" is little different than calling a gas-guzzling pick-up "a truck for rednecks." I've seen people call jeeps "f@g trucks" - and I've seen many other name-callings for almost every vehicle. Let people who are insecure about human sexuality live with their own problems. They don't have your car, your fuel economy, or your sweet ride.