I'm a new 2nd Gen Prius owner and have been getting used to my new to me car. So far, so great. After reading up on this "glide" I wondered how this was possible. I've got the coasting thing going on, the slow decel, etc. Then today, while coasting to a stop I lightly hit the gas pedal and POOF! No arrows on the screen, but the front wheels are moving. I replicated it a few times and think I can do this again without much issue. These cars are just too much fun! That is all.
congrats! An easier method is to 1) accelerate (pulse) no faster than 41 mpg then 2) ease off on the gas (coast) until you see no arrows (glide). No "hit the gas pedal" needed.
Ah the elusive no arrows mode. The engine is still turning but not firing. I forget what mode this is called but you are well on your way to hypermiling!! Its all about gas pedal control. And doing all you can not to invoke regen unless the hybrid battery is flagged of course. Congrats!
I think you're thinking of warp stealth, but it sounds like he was doing a regular glide that was engine off. Note: even under 41MPH, no arrows doesn't always mean the engine is off/not turning. You need to be fully warmed up in stage 4 for the engine to turn off regularly when doing glides.
That's the crux. I let off the pedal and it goes into regen quick like. I was able to get no arrows by ever so slightly putting pressure on the accelerator, achieving the "glide". Any other way and I get the regen mode. Thanks for the congrats everyone!
The trick is to not invoke regen. And to not drive it like a regular car on gas off gas. Regen is gas costly as you are forced to accelerate back up to speed. Try not to completely let up off the gas pedal but enough to invoke what you call glide mode. Soon you'll be doing this without even thinking about it. That's when you really start to see great mpg's.
So.... the motor cant spin more than 6000 rpm and at around 40kph the engine needs to start turning, in stealth mode the valves stay open so as to not make compression? I think what must be happening is that the exhaust valves stay open while the compression is done, the fact that its an atkinson cycle and has vvt means that the computer has enough control to exhaust all compressed air out the valves, or in other words there is no compression losses. Anyone know more on this?
There's a certain analogy in my mind about the way we drive a Prius II taking advantage of smooth level roads and inclines to glide on or regenerate - the same way a Glider Pilot takes advantage of airborne thermals and the wind to stay aloft and travel great distances in peaceful silence!
what are you all saying????? LOL... Just got a 2008 Prius... I need to do some more reading... Very curious about the glide thing...... I just finally got use to not having to hear the engine kick on to put it in drive and start moving..
If you are interested in "Pulse and Glide" please take some time to study the information in the following link. I think it will answer your question. http://www.cleanmpg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1224