It wasn't my ideal choice in color, it was the only one left and the dealer was giving me a great deal so I took it. I thought it looked a tad feminine, but I figured i'd get over it. And, personally, I have! In fact, I've fallen for the color now, as it looks especially cool at night. But, alas, some mean fartheads came up and called my Prius a V@gina on wheels and ever since I can't get that mental picture out of my head! Well, ok it's not the worst picture to be stuck with, but is it true guys? Am I a closet-homoerotic-hermaphrodite-in-the-making? Did I choose...poorly? I'm so lost...
Lol, you have insecurity issues. IMO, the c isn't as bad as a dude driving around in a VW new beetle, you know, the one with the flower vase on the dash? DROIDX ? 2
If you are a male of the straight orientation, shouldn't you enjoy a vagina in whatever form available? It is the mean guys who denigrate it who are the actual closeted or insecurely oriented folks. Real out-of-the-closet gays secure in their own orientation won't insult your car choice. Neither will secure straights. And among the insecure folks who need a vehicle to express their orientation, the Prius is not on any sexual orientation's preferred list.
Yes, you are a closet-homosexual-aphrodite-in-the-making. Start buying Judy Garland recordings and embrace it. Come on? Really? I can tell you your friend is showing all the cliche, dated, creative originality, of quoting "The Other Guys"- a movie from 2010. I think if you want to insult something you should come up with your own original material. That line was mildly amusing- within the movie, 3 years ago. It should be yawn inducing now. I'm driving a Sea Glass Pearl standard Prius. In some light, it appears baby nursery blue. I can handle it. My vagina on wheels get's 50 mpg.- Excuse me while I get in and out of my rolling vagina on wheels, over and over and over again. As a man, I enjoy it.
Driving down the highway last week I had a dual-cab ute (ummm, I think you guys call them pickups?) overtake me steadily in the other lane with no other vehicles around, so I wasn't in their way. I happened to glance over as they passed, to find four young males giving me the finger. It was such a pathetic sight that I cracked up laughing. They looked crestfallen when I did.
I'm not fond of it. But I do like white! However, they are clearly jealous that you get awesome MPG and have a new car while they probably drive a beater!
It's not just the color, my C is black and one kid tried to razz me a bit about getting a Prius. I won't get into how his Mustang's gas mileage is so terrible that he had to buy a separate beater for work, and ended up being picked up by the police in the stolen car that he had bought on Craig's List. As to the movie clip, I had expected it to make fun of the Prius the whole time. It actually looked pretty bad nice person there.
That's the nature of misogyny. Straight guys are supposed to want to have sex with women but feel horrified of the prospect of being them, lol. In any case, the whole concept is silly. I don't view my vehicle as an extensive of my gender. If someone wants to waste money on gas-guzzling sports cars, then that is their choice. It's not what I prioritize though.
I traded a 2007 BMW 325XI and the change under the seat the for this car - and specifically ordered this color because it looks wonderful both day and night. I would love to have one in every color but this one is my favorite. The C is one of the finest cars I have ever owned. After 18,500 miles (over 50 percent highway) the C is averaging 52.4 mpg. It rides far better than the BMW it replaced and the blue-tooth sound system and hands free phone came standard. With an after-market chassis stiffener the C corners like it was on rails. I think the car is cool, and frankly couldn't give a rats nice person what anyone else thinks.
My friend who prefers larger vehicles always winces when he finds I'm getting 50+ MPG. He and his wife feel safer in the GMC SUV but even they bought a Scion XB as a 2nd car. None of my friends question my choice of color - of course I really wanted yellow but that's another story. Maybe because my friends are a little older and have no identity issues. YMMV