Following F8L's example, here is the "Prius c" top mileage and "x00" club sheet. The rules are simple: For now, I'm making individual, per-model sheets for each vehicle forum. We'll then collect from all of the sheets to make a 'trophy room' sheet. <grins> Bob Wilson * - I've cut out the battery SOC requirement for now.
Neat, I like figuring out plots like that. I want to be in the 60+ or 500+ mile club. I could blow off a weekend and just do it, but it's hot out and I'm lazy
Done! Instructions: edit any of the cells to the left of "==" as the others are fomula if you need to add someone, copy the row and paste in the next blank line update the fields to the left of "==" for the new user select the rows and short by "MPG" column Z-A (aka., descending) Google will auto-update but you can pull-down "publish" under "File" to force the update Everything else is pretty automatic including updating the "Trophy" chart. Bob Wilson
Actually thank you! The more editors we have, the easier it is on everyone to keep things current. User "F8L" did a great job of sparking interest but it is an unfair burden on just one person. The Google Doc spreadsheets are an attempt to 'share the work' of keeping things current. <grins> Bob Wilson ps. It isn't that important but you might have forgotten to update the miles traveled. <GRINS>
I hope this is the right place to post this. Please add me to the bottom of the leaderboard. This is my fuel economy since some time in June. It's a mix of my commute, which tops out at 48mph, plus city driving. I live in Buffalo, so I don't use air conditioning. I do make sure to park in the shade with the windows down when I can, and use a reflective window shade when I can't. I drive 8 mph over the speed limit, and I like catching lights green. But I do make sure to avoid braking, and I very seldom use the friction brakes. I drive with an eye on the tachometer and the ammeter to avoid discharging the battery and to keep the engine adequately loaded.
We need to talk: 1192.8/61.3 ~= 19.4 gal. >> than current Prius c tank size I have no problem trimming the miles to refect the highest tank reported for a Prius c tank, 8.98 gal., reported but it would be unfair to report a single tank MPG higher than the highest of a higher MPG report. If you are OK with 61.3 * 8.98 gallons, I am OK with entering this report. Bob Wilson
Bob, Correct, I'm not in the 1100 mi club. I'm okay with using average mpg from multiple tanks, because it's a conservative approach. By the way, how do you get the report that includes average mph, or the stats since the last fill? Matt
1024 miles at average speed of 65 mph over mountainous terrain, including the WV turnpike: 47.68 mpg verified by weight increase from refill. any mpg on less than an average speed of 45 mph for more than 25 miles is worthless and your Prius should be removed from you for being a 'MTP', a 'moving traffic pylon.'And ticketed.
The ZVW30 (1.8L) hatchback, trip meter shows three numbers: indicated total miles since reset - typically I reset both A and B at the pump indicated MPG average mph Now we have replacement tires on both the NHW11 and ZVW30 and I've found it is the odometer reading that is off which of course modifies the indicated total miles. But if you divide the indicated miles by indicated MPG, you get a very accurate, fuel burn. When folks are complaining about the indicated MPG being off, it is because they have not checked the calibration of their odometer versus a GPS or mile-marker standard. BTW, I'm thinking about going totally Garmin GPS nuvi for the NHW11. This also has both an 'average mph' as well as an 'average mph while moving.' Nice figures to have. Bob Wilson
Well, might as well put this in. I think it speaks more about my cellphone camera and my photo skills than my fuel economy. 527 Miles, 63.57MPG, 30h, 17.4mph, Mostly local commute (12 km each way) with some slopes. A couple of highway trips around 200km total. The pump calculation is a bit different. 8.49 gal added, 527.48 miles. Oh, and a couple of road rages that hurt the mpg somewhat. The best fuel/safety tip is to never drive your car while angry.
Bob, do you think the minimum can be lowered to 400 miles since the C has a smaller fuel tank? It's said it's best to refuel with at least 2 bar left. The only reason I got over 500 miles on my last refuel was because I was on a road trip and couldn't find a gas station.
We need to discuss this with the folks interested in the problem. My thinking is it only makes sense if we also scale the "x00" hundred club. Then I start thinking about the "Prius v" problem. They have a car whose gearing and size make it difficult to play in the same sandbox. But a similar problem exists in bowling and golf. Those sports use a 'handicap' system. I don't think anyone has really thought about how it might be constructed . . . yet. Bob Wilson
The Prius C has a 9.5 gallon tank. Lets say you fill up with 2 bars left or around 8 gallons... if you are on a pace to break the last place record of 62 mpgs you are looking at over 500 miles. In fact, if you do the math the other way around, you would have to average less than 62.2 in order to not get over 500 miles using only 8 gallons.
9.5 gallon / 10 * 8 = 7.6 gallon. You will need to get at least 65.79 MPG to get above 500 miles. Also, I suspect the fuel meter is not accurate just like every other car I have driven. In my last fill up, I filled 8.49gal, which means I shouldn't have triggered the last bar (8.55 gal), but it was already flashing for a while and I was very anxious by then. I suspect the last bar represent more than 0.95 gallon to give the driver more time to find a gas station. Therefore, to get 500 miles on 8 bars, I suspect it would be closer to 70MPG.
The fuel meter isn't linear, you can see a great example of this when you fill up. Your first 80 or so miles will be on the first bar... I would love to get that on all of the bars.
Yeah, I suspect so too. The middle 4 bars seems to go down very fast. I am always very optimistic at the beginning and then quickly lose hope of breaking 1000km (theoretically).