Okay, I can get killer gas mileage at anything under 55mph. But on my daily commute, I have a good stretch of road that is 65. When trying to use SHM, my car decelerates too fast for this to be a feasible method of driving. In a lot of the instructions I've read, they state to let off of the gas pedal a certain amount and you can usually get between 60mpg and 70mpg. For me, in order to reach that, my car loses 1mph every 5-10 seconds or so. Before I know it, I'm accelerating back up to 65 from 50 lol. Any advice on SHM would be great, thanks! Droid DNA ? 2!
My memory of Wayne Gerdes' description (at CleanMPG.com) is that SHM really ought to be practiced with an engine monitor (e.g. ScanGauge-II or similar device) to get the correct IGN and TPS values. And it is very unlikely to work at 65 mph.
I have a Scanguage and use it at ignition at 22 to get SHM when going down hill or on a flat road. On the HSI it corresponds to just over the centerline. Pick that point and let there be a slow deceleration. MPG will pop up to the 75 plus area. Hope that helps. It does work best below 60 mph
Oh, duh...there's my problem lol. 65 being the speed limit, I would feel like a jerk if I drove below 60 lol. If I'm going 65+, should I just go ahead and use cruise control? Droid DNA ? 2!
Scanguage II is $160 on Amazon right now :-( Really want one, but I'd rather just use that money on gas lol. One day... Droid DNA ? 2!
CleanMPG.com, Wayne Gerdes' website, has a ScanGauge group buy thread where you can get it for a bit less. If you are serious about stretching fuel economy the ScanGauge's xgauge gives you access to some settings other, cheaper gauges won't. If you use a smartphone there are apps that use USB-OBDII cables to act as a gauge and there may be apps that are programmable. You m8ght be interested in Hobbit's article suggesting that you're bettermoff with high-speed pulse and glide Sweet spot refinement (Disclosure: I am a mod at CleanMPG)
Those are specific to GenIII. OP has a GenII, no HSI gauge, and should aim for a different IGN value. Or support the PriusChat shop, $159.95. Or support CleanMPG.com, $134.95. Or wait for the occasional Amazon deal of the day, something around $125. Or get the baby ScanGauge (just 2 display items, not the regular 4) for around $100. Or since you already have a smartphone, try one of the apps (Torq?) that just needs a Bluetooth OBDII dongle.
I would like to add the Ultragauge to that list. Its $70 and does a great job (but can't read any of the Prius specific sensors). Would be better than the baby Scangauge (called the Scangauge-E), which costs more, only displays 2 gauges at a time, and still can't do xgauges. Torque on an Android phone/tablet is the most useful per dollar for a Prius. A cheap bluetooth scanner ($15) and the app ($5) are all you need if you already have an Android device. With the customs PIDs, you can see just about everything the car itself sees.
Here ya go. New Prius - "Super Highway Mode" Technique (SHM). - CleanMPG Forums LG-AS695 ? 2