I orderd Weathertech floormats for the front and rear of my C3, and they are wonderful. Best floormats ever. Now, I'd like to grab matching cargo mat, but Weathertech doesn't seem to sell cargo mats for the C. Any idea why, or where I could get them? I think they sold them at one time, if I'm not mistaken. I could, of course, go OEM or Husky, but I would like to keep it all the same brand.
I noticed the same thing. When I went to order mine. I need something back there right away so I just had Toyota put one back there until weather tech sells one!
*Sigh* I was hoping you'd say different. Meh, I hate the idea of using two different type of mats, but it is what it is. I'll email Weathertech and see what's up.
I noticed the same thing. When I went to order mine. I need something back there right away so I just had Toyota put one back there until weather tech sells one!
I did the toyota rear mat which is nice, and I did 3d Spider Max mats (see my review thread for pics). After previously owning weather techs in other cars, I'll never go back! Chris
I am about to order weather tech mats. Why do you prefer the spider ones and is the back floor all weather too? It looks like fabric!
They aren't thick/bulky. They fit like a glove, the material is carbon fiber like. The underneath is like velcro and sticks to the floor like no tomorrow, they will NEVER slide out of place. You could poor like a 1/4 gallon of milk in the rear or front mats and it wouldn't touch the carpet. And the drivers side covers the "dead" pedal (where you rest your left foot). I love em! I have them in my wife's Venza also. They also have the same "locking" tabs that the oem mat has on the drivers side so they won't move. The back is one piece also, which I'm a big fan of, with kids they are always walking across the "hump" which many other mats often don't cover. So far so good with them! Chris
I have a Weathertech cargo mat for mine, not sure why you cannot find one. I am looking for a rear passenger floor Weathertech mat for my C. Amazon is about $85, anyone know of a lower cost source?