I've been reading around a fair bit to see how to eek more MPGs from my Prius 2013 (4-dr). My best success comes with my own version of pulse and glide: by nursing the gas peddle when I can't completely take my foot off to glide, trying to keep the indicator heading to 100 mpg as much as possible. Normal p/g doesn't do nearly as well as this kind of nursing, viz., getting up to mid-40s, gliding to mid 30's, repeating this. Best is to keep the pace within 5-8 mph of the highest pace (conditions permitting). I find this is true both off the highway and on. Downside is that it takes a lot of awareness, and my foot is constantly pressing up / down, or rather easing on/off. That doesn't seem like a good solution. Is there a better one? thanks in advance.
ECO mode changes the response in the gas pedal, makes it easier to control. When possible, keep your power meter in the "EV" (bottom half of ECO) zone on the meter. But keeping it out of the power zone is the main thing.
Thanks. Is the idea sound, that you are constantly engaged with the gas peddle? And at times just easing off, then reapplying pressure? SOmeone who rode shotgun felt that the car was literally being pulsed every xxx seconds. Just trying to gauge what all this is supposed to look like in practice.
I suppose the only good answer is "it depends". Depends on terrain, speed, etc, etc. But pulse and glide means just that - spend as much time gliding as possible. In time you'll sort out what works well for you, and how much effort you're willing to put into getting one more MPG. I feel like staying out of the power zone is the main thing.
I've been experimenting with my new 2013 Prius III (Red!), trying the pulse and glide. I mostly take surface streets to work (later in the day I'm on the freeways). I have become aware of how heavy my foot is at take-off from a stop with my previous 6 cyl. 2003 Camry and my 02 CRV! It seems like a very slow start from a stop to stay in ECO mode and not move into Power. I get the p/g once I'm up to speed but what is the best way to get going...power up to speed and then p/g or just go slowly to speed in the ECO zone? Please advise!
It is generally considered that brisk acceleration (usually about the same as the rest of traffic in more places) is best. It loads the engine so it runs more efficiently. Your instant mileage may be lower, but you'll be making more power per gallon and spend less time accelerating. My '05 doesn't have the pedal meter, but my I try to avoid using battery to assist in acceleration (not sure if you can see if it is or not). jipnet- It sounds like what you're describing is what most people here would consider the norm for pulse and glide in a Prius. Letting your foot off the gas all the way and having regen happening on your glide will probably give you worse mileage. Nursing the pedal like you said will essentially cause the Prius to neither use or produce any power, which will let you have the longest glide possible. If you haven't seen it yet, this video does a good job explaining the different techniques in a Prius.
Thanks very much. That's basically what I wanted to hear. I'll try using Eco-Mode most of the time to see if it makes the 'footwork' less tiresome. I like the idea of being involved in the car's MPG (intimately). I've never tried very long hauls; either it must be exhausting or else it becomes automatic. I'll look at the video.