Report: Yankees’ A-Rod Looking To Make Deal; Could Face Lifetime Ban « CBS New York Looks like he's gonna have to play "let's make a deal".
Bonds holds some records in most home runs lifetime and most home runs in a single season. He was not voted into the Hall of Fame on the first vote due to the steroids scandal. Many believe A Rod having attainted so many home runs at a young age can surpass Bonds in lifetime home runs Performance enhancing drugs destroyed Lance Armstrong endorsements. Homers are good for baseball time will tell how this is dealth with. I have respect for guys like Hank Aaron, babe Ruth, joe DiMaggio and Roger Maris who broke records drug free
Of course, time will tell if he is innocent or not and how it impacts the game and his career. If he is suspended the remainder of the season they may have something on him. Innocent until proven guilty Asking for a deal is much different than Bonds who denied it throughout Time will tell A-Rod should play if he wants to but I'm not the commissioner of Baseball
Pro players are... more often than not... Some think there are some of the greats that never did... I know from the Babe on forward... they have, and it ain't enough for a ban...
Banged up, among the most hated sports figures, and facing suspension/ban. Not sympathizing with him, but in the twilight of his career, A-Rod can't be happy how this is going.
I have pretty much "gotten over" pro sports. The money these guys make to throw a ball around is absurd. I remember when bleacher seats at Fenway cost around $20. And forget about going to a patriots game.
You got to luv it to get season tickets. I try and see a Charger Football game once a season albeit I missed a few when they start having a losing season. No fun when your team gets trounced. The concession will gouge you. Parking is expensive. Getting to the game is a job in itself with traffic, parking, etc. You got to hope you don't get clocked by a random maniac. You got to deal with the drunk guy screaming profanity in your ear on every dropped ball or missed conversion. Sometimes just going to a nice and modern Sports Bar with friends, have a few beers and Chicken Wings and Pizza is more fun, less hassle, and easier on the wallet. You get to see the close up's and replays. I used to get free games when my company had a Sky Box Suite. Those days are over as Finance Guys look to trim budgets for entertainment. On the way to the stadium I had to review all the guests with my wife and what I know about there personal lives. That was a hassle because on Monday I had to write a justification report on who I spoke to and how I progressed Business which to me defeated the whole enjoyment of the game.
Because there is evidence of guilt. Successfully hiding a chemical signature is not innocence. Lance Armstrong was essentially found guilty by the extreme volume of eye witness testimony.
you mean they can't come up with any tests to catch them? seems absurd. how many will they catch looking for the druggists?
Yes, but only after the official approved testing has been through years of validation to show it works perfectly. Meanwhile, the illegal drugs can be altered to evade detection as soon as the detection technique is worked out. In a great many cases, stored samples of blood from many years ago are retested with greatly improved techniques that showing that the user was using illegal drugs.
too bad, i don't think chasing down druggists is gonna solve the problem. how many of these guys have their own 'doctors' back in the country they come from? funny, you don't hear the media screaming that the drug testing doesn't work.
Depends on which "media" that you listen to. The immense body and brain damage that most NFL players end their career with was completely ignored till the body counts started to really climb. Now it gets coverage. The entire purpose of cheating is to not get caught. The payoff of successful cheating is an immense amount of $$$$. Combine the two and you have modern sports.