About seven hours ago, I enrolled my 2012 Prius PiP Advanced in SafetyConnect. When I did, my already downloaded Entune App on the iPhone started showing additional icons like "ECO Dashboard" and "Vehicle Finder". Here is the problem. I drove the vehicle a couple of hours ago to run some errands. Came home and decided to check the Entune "ECO Dashboard" on my iPhone. Its all blank! Next, I tried the Vehicle Finder app. It says "No Vehicle Location". Also, that same screen has a banner on top left side: Plug-In 7xxxx (Its a five digit number which I have replaced here with an x). Not sure if that will give anyone a clue. What is going on? Is there something I need to enable in the Prius itself for it to send the information to the central station? Does the SafetyConnect a few days to start gathering info? Please help.
Have you authorized the vehicle locator application from the Entune web site (My Entune® Account Management, Settings)? This is distinct from activating Safety Connect. And once that is done, you have to connect the phone to the car (bluetooth or USB) and go to the Apps screen on the car display. Some sort of pairing between the phone and the car is done here.
Yes. Its 'checked'. I tested the bluetooth functionality for Phone calls. So the phone and car are linked via bluetooth. But that should have no bearing on "Vehicle Finder". right?
I made a SOS call from the car and was able to connect with the dispatcher. This indicates that the Safety Connect subscription is ON. Moreover, the dispatcher was able to provide me with my vehicle location. This indicates that the cellular data is working fine and is being uploaded to the central station. BUT the EV Apps on my phone still cannot locate my vehicle and cannot display any EV data for the vehicle. Any clues?
The vehicle finder app on the phone doesn't use use Bluetooth when it is being used, but there is some one-time handshaking that needs to be done between the phone app and the car app. Thus the point about going to the Apps item on the car display and have it talk to the phone, as if you were doing something like Pandora, so the two can do setup work. From then on, the phone doesn't have to connect directly to the car. When you go the apps menu, it will first say "checking for updates" before showing Pandora, etc. You don't have actually run any of these apps, but you need to have the car app and the phone app "get to know each other". The Bluetooth phone functionality doesn't have anything to do with the Entune app. You can use the phone functionality on any phone that has Bluetooth, even simple flip phones that cannot run apps of any kind. In fact, you can have the phone call functionality talking to one phone, and the apps talking to another, at the same time.
I'm running the entune app on an iPhone 5 and vehicle finder is working. Assuming you have your entune account setup, as CharlesH mentioned, you might try a force restart of the iPhone. Every once in a while the entune app will crash and while it looks like it's running it will not function properly. You may already have done this, but quit all apps, turn off iPhone, restart, then force quit buy holding the on/off and home buttons simultaneously. After this all background tasks will be cleared and you can try entune.
Can you please verify if its working right now (I am hoping its a temporary glitch in their network)? I went into Apps on the Prius and fired up Pandora and it logged into my Pandora account fine. But EV apps failed to locate vehicle. I rebooted the iphone ... No luck I uninstalled / reinstalled the app ... No luck. I went I created a new entunes account and associated my VIN and contract ID to new account. Still no luck. I dialed SOS yet again and they confirmed my vehicle location. So cellular radio is humming fine. Toyota Tech support was not much help. They claim they are researching this issue. Oh well.
I just checked again and it worked. 4:17PM PDT, 7/18/13 The name I gave the car in entune's account management "add vehicle" appears in the upper left side of the map.
Thank you. I am still having the problem. I reset the iPhone. No luck. Can you please answer the following to help me isolate the problem ... - the EV-specific modules within the Entune app requires that you set a 4 digit PIN. Can you sign off and sign back in (in Settings) and tell me if its remembers your PIN ... Or does it have you create a new PIN? In my case, every time I sign out it asks me to set a brand a new PIN. If I close the app *without* signing out ... It does not ask for the PIN. So please verify. - when you created the Entune account and associated your VIN and SafetyConnect ... And fired up the Entune App ... Did it right away locate your vehicle? The toyota CSR said it takes 24 hours after you create the account for EV apps to work. In my case its been 72 hours and still no luck. Did you have to do some special linking between your phone and the car to make it work? I fired up Pandora and it worked. But I don't understand the need for all that since the EV data is sent to the central server over the cellular radio inside the Prius (and not via Bluetooth etc.) - when you create a new Entune account ... It sends a verification email. On most other email-address-verification process from other sites, when you click on the verification link - It fires up the browser and gives you confirmation that email address is verified. In this entune case, it simply takes me to the login screen and there is no confirmation. Thanks for all the help.
I signed out of the entune app (first time since I installed it several months ago) and when I signed back in it did require me to re-create the 4-digit PIN. Once created the PIN remains the same during app restarts, but it requires this PIN each time a module is accessed. When I first setup the account I didn't try the locate feature until the next day and it was working. Didn't have to do anything special with the car and iPhone, just Bluetooth linking. I don't remember getting a verification email for myentune, I registered on the website prior to downloading the iPhone app. Two days later I changed my email address and the update was immediate requiring me to login the app with the new email address. It does sound like a disconnect on Toyota's end. Have you checked the "Update Service Level Setting" How frustrating that there is no way to contact a knowledgeable Entune tech.
Thanks for detailing your setup and experience. Yes, the service level is up to date and ALL is selected. I spoke with an Entune tech ... he tried to access from his own phone (he had me change the password to something I could temporarily share with support) ... And he could not access it either. His support system is different for the system the SOS dispatchers are accessing. While the dispatchers system can locate the vehicle the Entune system fails to locate the car. He suspects there is some communications system problem within the vehicle. He is researching it.