Since Tom Hanks and Matt Damon are on my list of favorite actors, this list provided by Price Toyota is interesting. Also, I achieved my best daily commute mileage today at 60.1 MPG. So now I have even more selling points for owning a Prius! Celebrities Who Drive a Prius Posted on May 4, 2012 by Price Toyota We all know that celebrities drive some of the most outlandish cars on the road, thanks to their large bank accounts and access to some of the most exclusive vehicles ever made. But did you know that one of the most popular cars among Hollywood’s elite is the Toyota Prius? As one of the most environmentally-friendly cars on the road, celebrities have been seen riding around in the Prius since it was first introduced worldwide in 2001. While some of these names, such as Leonardo Dicaprio and Rachel Bilson, might not come as a surprise, you may not be expecting to see the names of several heavy-hitters who have been spotted in the hybrid. Here is our list of 20 celebrities we were surprised to find out drive a Prius: Cameron Diaz Demi Moore Harrison Ford Natalie Portman Dustin Hoffman Matt Damon Julia Roberts Will Ferrell Miley Cyrus Jennifer Aniston Selma Hayek Bradley Cooper Forest Whitaker Tom Hanks Sarah Jessica Parker Gwyneth Paltrow Jessica Alba Owen Wilson Kate Hudson Orlando Bloom
Don't these people also ride in big nice person limos? Also we have to check how often they flew on private jets which are not very green. What about the size of their home? How much energy do they use to cool and heat their home. Rich people aren't green but it's a good public imagine for them.
And besides these are just their shopping toys. They have many others( sports,SUV...) inside their garage. Haha..
Oh cut em some slack. They are celebrities...they are rich. Okay. But in every one of these cases, their images are already intact and established. They COULD drive or be driven, in anything they wish to be drive or be driven in....if they have a Prius titled in their name? If they occasionally drive it? Then I'm not going to trash them all as ONLY having made the choice as a public image grab. And trust me...I ain't rich and I've gone through my "Hate The Rich" phase. Nobody here is saying because they drive a Prius they are claiming to be perfect. But it really shouldn't be held against them that they happen to of been wealthy or become wealthy. "We" as "regular" Prius drivers complain when people apply preconceived ideas as to why or what our personal ownership is really all about...when we all know it is often personal and very diverse. I'm not going to apply a stereotype to all celebrities that drive Prius in return. And if any of those women on the list would like to discuss Prius or Prius Stereo types or what Prius Ownership is really all about? I'd be willing to GO BEFORE all of you and discuss it over coffee.
Ed Bagely Jr lives in a 1,500 square foot home that is eco friendly. He drives a EV RAV 4 I believe his Wife drives a Prius. Ed Begley, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
I wasn't trashing the celebrities or anyone. I was responding to the OP. I was just trying to point out that rich people could never be "green" because that's the way it is. The have too much money to spend. The only way to be truly green is not spend money and that's impossible even for the common people. Every time you take a vacation, you pollute by flying and driving. Or if you took a cruise, those cruise ships consume a lot of fossil fuel. Couples who decide to have kids will create more pollution. They will eventually buy bigger houses and bigger cars so they could carry more people around. I'm not criticizing anyone here, I'm just pointing out some facts. Nothing personal, but I'm just kind of sick and tired of people using Prius as a symbol of greeness. I drove an SUV for many years and I was greener than a lot of the Prius drivers because I only put around 5000 miles on it per year. If anyone wants to use photos of someone being green, perhaps they should show people who take trains to work or someone on a bike, or people who carpool. Nuff said.
West Los Angeles has a very limited subway system and Amtrak. Ed is perhaps the most Eco friendly actor heck he has a Eco friendly cable show. Ed drives an EV SUV Larry Hagman now passed away had a solar home.
Had a Ferrari next to me yesterday in heavy traffic I was keeping up with him.....................LOL
Rich people could never be green because that's the way it is? are consuming. No getting around that. Arguably the greatest harmony between Man and Nature comes during the decomposition stage, some time after the heart stops beating. But I personally don't want to become "Green" by becoming moldy. I wouldn't own a Prius, if I didn't think it was a good automobile choice. But whether it is Gweneth Paltrow, or myself, it is still an Automobile choice. But instead of being upset because rich celebrities can consume more, and thus jumping to the conclusion that their Prius ownership is nothing more than a false image grab, I'm going to say...good for them, I think they made a good choice in owning a Prius.
They would be stupid not to create false image and have good relationship with the public. It's good business for them. Behind the scene, they could be a**holes but in the public eyes, they have to be likeable. It doesn't matter if they only drove the Prius once a month, the only thing matters is that the naive public believe that they are green. It's just part of the game. Don't tell me that they got you fooled. LOL
Maybe celebs have them so they can "fly under the radar" so to speak. With enough tint and sunglasses, they will blend in So Cal where every other car is a Prius. I heard a guesstimate that Prius is the best selling car in CA.
It's not a matter of being "fooled". It's a matter of looking at a list of 20 people I don't personally know, and I'm assuming you don't know either, and jumping to conclusions about their personal motivation for owning a Prius. It's about applying a degree of realism as to the fact that we live in a developed nation where wealth is created. It's about not applying one dimensional stereotypes without necessarily knowing the entire picture. I don't think there is an improper way to own a Prius, nor a necessarily Proper way to Own a SUV. Joe The Plumber doesn't get bonus points for only driving the SUV 5000 miles a year, while I deride a successful actor or actress. as not meeting my "personal" standards of being "green" because of self harbored stereotypes that only may or may not be true and/or attached to uncountable shades of grey of which the picture of humanity as a whole is painted with. There have already been examples of wealthy and successful actors who just like you and I are trying or tried to adopt practices that are more eco friendly. I'd rather applaud the attempt, than deride the speculated reasons behind the perceived failure because the attempt was not noble enough, or pure enough to meet a personally applied standard before which I call something legitimately "green". I simply must be realistic, and far less draconian. I suspect the majority of people who have the resources to afford to own and operate a newer mass produced automobile (such as the Prius ) will be people that will sometimes take vacations on cruise ships and planes. I also think humanity propagates, that means babies will be born, sometimes be raised by couples, sometimes in small houses, sometimes in big houses. Humanity consumes. Is this a good reason why Celebrity Prius owners aren't good Prius owners? No. These are only reasons humanity is not perfect.- I knew that before I saw the list. None of these "Facts" subtract from the reality that I personally think owning a Prius is a good idea, for anyone, be they celebrity or otherwise. Let's stereotype the rich. Let's stereotype celebrities, lets point out that the more you have and the more you consume, the more resources you are using and the less Eco friendly you really are, was not the point of this thread. Like I said before, none of those celebrities NEED the Prius to help their image, that's already established. Unless you have a personal relationship with someone on that list, I don't think you, I or anyone should be hypocritical enough to apply what we personally think being a rich celebrity means against the back-drop of what we personally think is an acceptable level of eco awareness and responsibility before we call someone "green"....or just a faker. I personally get tired of people who want to call the whole thing a failure because it isn't a perfect answer. Well in an imperfect world, sometimes you must start with imperfect answers. So yes, in a world where people have wealth, and sometimes take cruises and fly in planes, I think celebrities owning Prius's is more a good thing than a bad thing. And I think that with little illusion attached to the reality of the failure of owning a Prius as being a perfect answer.
Let's see if I have this right. Even for the "common people" (me) it is impossible to be truly green. I agree. So why were you "just trying to point out that rich people could never be 'green' because that's the way it is." If nobody can be green, then rich people can't be green. My position is that if the celebs drive the Prius for 10 miles, that's better than them driving a huge SUV for those same 10 miles. Good for them. But maybe more important, more people will want to drive a Prius. You'd be amazed how much star power helps in selling stuff. Especially in Los Angeles. Mike